Living World Season 4 content

Help Researcher Emm track the origin point of the mutated rats

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Help Researcher Emm track the origin point of the mutated rats

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Researcher Emm track the origin point of the mutated rats is a level 80 dynamic event that starts in the Arkjok Farmlands.


  • Researcher Emm
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Twelverat
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Veteran Awakened Plague Researcher
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


After completing Kill the mutated rats just east of Palawa's Benevolence, the NPC Researcher Emm spawns, looks at the rats, and then runs to the southeast of the area, just next to a statue of Palawa Joko.

You need to escort and defend him against enemies spawning at two spots during the escort event. The event ends at Research Vault Beta where a secret door will be opened and reveal two veteran asura that need to be killed. After that the event is completed.





Researcher Emm: Hmm, fascinating. I wonder if I could... Yes!
Researcher Emm: Commander! Up for unraveling a mystery?
Researcher Emm: A-ha! There it goes! The hunt begins! Let's follow it, Commander.
Researcher Emm: Hm. Looks like we've lost the trail. The tracker can find it again, but it'll take some time to calibrate.
Researcher Emm: My device will attract all sorts of unwanted pests. I need them kept away while I work.
Researcher Emm: And…finished! I'll activate it and then we can continue the hunt.
Researcher Emm: A-ha! There it goes! The hunt begins! Let's follow it, Commander.
Researcher Emm: Okay, you know the drill.
Researcher Emm: And…finished! I'll activate it and then we can continue the hunt.
Researcher Emm: A-ha! There it goes! The hunt begins! Let's follow it, Commander.
Researcher Emm: Oh, bother. A dead end…
Researcher Emm: Wait! Look—do you see it? Those cretins thought they could slip one by me.
Researcher Emm: You! I should have known! Think you can outsmart me, do you?
Veteran Awakened Plague Researcher: Ha! I knew you'd follow the trail here. Finally, I've got you cornered!
After the fight
Researcher Emm: My old rival… She always did have a flair for the dramatic. But rats…?
Researcher Emm: Well, at least we took care of the pest problem. In more ways than one.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Long Live the Lich.png Long Live the Lich: Thing That Wouldn't LeaveOverstay your welcome in the Awakened Inquest plague research lab. (1Achievement points)
    • Stay inside the lab after completing the event; after a few minutes the door will close and you will be teleported to a random location and receive the achievement.
