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War Logs

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War Logs

Book (Godslost Swamp).jpg

Droknar's Light
(Skywatch Archipelago)
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War Logs are objects that can be found around Droknar's Light.

The Battle at the Narrow Pass can be read on a table in the Hall of Deldrimor, while the Unnamed Dwarf's Journal is southeast of Droknar's Forge.


Horn of Maguuma


The Battle at the Narrow Pass by General Hugo Bronzeb...

We met them at the pass in Thunderhead Peaks: five thousand of our finest soldiers blocking the only way forward for the Stone Summit forces. We were outnumbered, yes, but the narrow pass would force them to fight on our terms, and our archers controlled the cliff faces. It was our best opportunity to stop their advance.

Had it been only the traitors, we'd have surely prevailed; their first wave crashed weakly into our shields and were cut down by our support from above. Then the mursaat appeared. I've seen many things in my day, but the horrors they inflicted on our forces will haunt me to my dying breath. Within minutes of their assault our lines broke, soldiers trampling each other as they fled. The mursaat killed most of us as we fled. But after what I saw that day, I think they might have been the lucky ones.

Unnamed Dwarf's Journal

The others still won't see what's right in front of their faces: those cities we see floating out there are there for a reason. We need allies against the traitors, and now we've been given them—hundreds of them—delivered right to our home! But instead they want to just cower and wait for the end.

Well, I won't! I'm gonna gather up every right-minded dwarf I can find, and we're going to figure out how to get to those islands. And when we come back, we'll have an army great enough to grind the Stone Summit into powder. The iron is hot, and it is time to strike.