User talk:Aliceandsven/Dervishes in Guild Wars 2

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Herro Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә Dervish tango icon 20.png ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 22:31, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Magic is separate from the gods. Just because someone uses a skill called "Something of Some God" doesn't mean that they need the god's blessing nor do they need to believe in the god. As far as M.O.X. being a dervish, it had more to do with the professions that regular golems happened to be (warrior, dervish, and elementalist), of which they just chose the one that didn't already have three heroes. A new profession appearing in later expansions is unlikely (based on their decision to scrap GW:U and GW all together because new professions and player skins and starting areas used up too many resources and overcomplicated the game). An explanation as to why dervishes as we know them no longer exist might just be the same reason why monks probably won't (lore-wise, not because dervishes are dedicated healers). -~=Ϛρѧякγ User Sparky, the Tainted guided sig.png (τѧιк) 22:56, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Great points. Some people here are better at logic than I am :P But could you elaborate on the reason you mentioned at the end? I don't really think one or two new professions in a later expansion would overcomplicate GW2, as the whole system was revamped so that each profession has alot less skills, and the 5/5 skill bar probably cuts down on the number of balance issues. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә Dervish tango icon 20.png ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 23:13, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
I don't really know the reason I mentioned at the end, I just figured since it doesn't look like they are having monks, they would need to make up a lore-based reason for them to have disappeared (since dervish are similar to monks in mysticism/asceticism they could or would have to take out dervishes with them). Yeah, it would probably be easier to balance, but I think Arenanet had some bad experiences with adding new professions - but, who knows, maybe they will at least try it (at least if it they find it hard to balance, they'd better scrap them before release and learn from their mistake). :D -~=Ϛρѧякγ User Sparky, the Tainted guided sig.png (τѧιк) 02:26, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
I don't see much sense in totally erasing any of the professions, really. Especially monks. We just need to wait and see what else they tell us about professions. I was merely trying to give fellow dervish fans some hope. 17:33, 3 June 2010 (UTC) sorry this is A&S

One,Peacekeeper Sibyl, did you read the "Scriptures of Grenth"? it cleary stats Grenth will support a strong minded individual who admired power and ambition, and follow him as said quote Saith he, "I am your God. Follow where I lead, come whence I call, and the rotted corpses of the dead will be yours to control."

Second "Magic is separate from the gods" is not true, accordding to GW lore the gods gave the gift magic to all the intelligent creatures—meant to ease a life of toil and make survival a less arduous task. And I quote "wars broke out immediately as the magical races fought for dominance. So much destruction was wrought that humans found themselves at the edge of extinction. When all seemed lost, it was King Doric, the leader of the united human tribes himself, who made the long trek to Arah, the city of the gods, on the Orrian peninsula. He gained an audience with the creators and begged them to help, to stop the wars and bring peace to the land once again. The gods heard his pleas, and they intervened. The forging of the world was complete. As their final act, the gods gathered back their gift of magic from all the races and trapped it inside a tall stone. They smashed the stone into five parts—four equal but opposing stones of magic, and one keystone. Without the keystone, the other four couldn’t be reassembled." meaning they first created magic, anyone could use all its aspects and be an arrogant troll, made quite mess, someone had sense and asked the gods for a nerf, which ended up spliting magic to its especific aspects we currently have. So, Magic is really a thing omnipresence hereafter now Divine magic is quite different, which are pleas from certain individuals to the gods, please don't make me quote the dervish/monk lore texts X_X, so to make this sort with the silecing of the gods around the world these divines magic wheren't available no more, see it like code 404 from 4chan, So it more likely lore wise in the question you want to know about that there no monks or dervish in gw2 is because there are no god online suppport.

And in anycase I bet this is irrelevant but I like the wall text =D