User:Serge Yseron/SelectedMemories 87

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Only as leet as what you can come up with by yourself...[edit]

It would be stupid to reject all kind of knowledge, guilds and guides, but when you are so entitled to a guide to the point that you make things more difficult thinking it's the only way, you are not complimenting your brain power.

User Serge Yseron no country for old leetozors.jpg


For this ascalonian monk it took me bull + stomp + fear and a small confined space to take him out while exploring the dungeon alone once we finished a run in story mode. Sounds like anormal thing but keep in mind that i deal only a third of the damages full berserck players do.

User Serge Yseron ascalonian monks.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 21:02, 6 October 2013 (UTC)