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What am I supposed to write here? --Rashid 20:12, 18 March 2013 (UTC)
- This page is basiclly a page about you. What do you do want you want people to know about you.
- Some users are really elaborate about this using css and fancy layout, some jast make a list or write a few sentance about tinks they focus on in this wiki. And of course some people just leave a red link to this page. - Yandere
10:16, 25 August 2013 (UTC)
...and things. I play on Desolation (EU). My retired characters are:
- Fruit Salad (male norn warrior)
- Blingerton (male asura engineer)
- Shixard (male charr ranger)
My current characters are:
- Mistress Viridi (female sylvari elementalist)
- Pigeon Opener (male charr engineer)
Whisper me if you need stuff.