Falcon Blackname[edit]
An Elite member of the The_Resurrected_Lions, Falcon Blackname is the main character of a PvE player with 3 years of intensive Guild Wars experience. The Blackname himself possesses roughly 17,000,000 Experience_points alone and has achieved almost every known title in the game. As a ranger, Falcon makes use of his fully-evolved white wolf, "Snow" to deal massiv damage from afar, while supporting with powerful Ranged skills, such as Burning_Arrow. While Falcon is an advanced player with wide-sweeping achievements in the Guild Wars world, he believes that this is nothing that cannot be achieved with focus, honest practice, and hard work. In his own words, "There is a difference between a newb and a noob," that is to say, new players and ignorant players are not necessarily the same. This moderate philosophy makes Falcon a friendly, but wary player and is displayed in his regular in-game activities and interactions with other players. As a primarily solo PvE player, Blackname appreciates the game's unique system of allowing the player to chose between Heroes, Henchmen, or other players as party members; but it is the depth and breadth of the game world itself that keeps him coming back for more.