Talk:Star-Crossed Lovers

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Winter Sky letter item received after completing Step 5[edit]

After completing step 6, I noticed an item in my inventory titled something like "Winter Sky's Letter" with a description of "not for your eyes." Upon using it (double click), it opened into a book. Unfortunately, I then immediately closed it and the item was gone. There does not appear to be any achievement associated with reading the letter, but now that the letter is gone, I can't share the text. 07:40, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

I've added a note about it in the notes section, created a page for the item and included the text from the letter itself. Oblivious Dream (talk) 15:38, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

Step 4 verification needed - event to trigger collection[edit]

I did step 4 today. The event "defend the bridge" was active. It failed however. After that, the repair event came up, and was completed successfully. After that I checked on the kodan, and he had moved on to the next step of the collection. I do not know whether it was enough to participate in and fail the first event, or whether the second event triggered the collection to complete. - Lineste (talk) 14:57, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

Destroying the 3 mortars near the bridge events also counted.

Step 2 clarification[edit]

On step 2, you see the icon and name for hte Wildflowers above the minimap as if you looted it, and if you click the icon that appears, it opens the inventory. However, the flowers are NOT items in your inventory, and progress is tracked by a new buff on the player.

I had to pick and turn in with the same character that started the collection. The NPC didn't show up after I picked the flowers on a different toon. Wizler (talk) 00:19, 24 August 2024 (UTC)

Step 12[edit]

The notes mention needing to do the heart. I had already done the heart yesterday when I got to step 12 of the collection. Doing events didn't help. However, today, I was halfway through completing the heart, and finishing an event (arena fight) triggered step 12 to complete, even though I did not finish the heart. So there may be more to this. - Lineste (talk) 07:54, 23 August 2024 (UTC)

I had barely started the Heart, did the Dance event, and got credit. Might need a review. --BarGamer (talk) 23:51, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
Completing the Wolf cubs & cabbages event completed step 12 for me (was the first event I tried), even though I had already completed the heart. It may be that only certain events count? Fam (talk) 14:59, 23 August 2024 (UTC)
I had already completed the heart and did one event in the arena which did trigger step 12 to complete. Gopherguy2011 (talk) 08:02, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
I had the heart completed, did the warclaw cub and cabbages event and the step did complete. Doesn't seem to be tied to the heart, as it specifies events in the tooltip. Oblivious Dream (talk) 15:36, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
I did several events in the area after already completing the heart, ended up the arena did it for me, i think it should be worded that if the heart is completed an event inside the den outpost area will complete the step 12, outside such as cutting down trees doesnt work but inside does.Green spark (talk) 08:02, 26 August 2024 (UTC)
I did the smelting ore until the heart was completed and that finished the step for me. --Ynzalez.4081 (talk) 14:07, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Letter to Flowering Meadow[edit]

Flowering Meadow,

It has been so long, and I was certain you had forgotten me. I have not forgotten you, and I could not if I tried. On many nights, the memory of your face is my only comfort. I like to watch the stars as well, but in the summer the sun does not set at all for many days.

Life continues in the sanctuary, though it is often difficult. There are many dangers, but we find safety in our numbers and our strength of will. There is food and warmth and shelter here. But there are no flowers. I hope this will do instead.

I have spent many hours hoping for a way to be reunited with you. I will journey to the ends of Tyria and to the realms beyond, if you only ask it of me. Until then, I will be here, among the ice, thinking always of you.

—Winter Sky

Mith🌟Talk 21:36, 26 August 2024 (UTC)