Talk:Lesser Vision Crystal

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So how does the lesser vision crystal differ from a vision crystal? They seem the same, only the the lesser crystal is limited to armors while the non-lesser can be used to make both armor and weapons. Does that mean the Light of Dwayna could be made using a lesser vision crystal?

I don't think any recipe that takes one kind of crystal will accept the other. For example, in Beigarth's armor set, the chestpiece requires a Vision Crystal, while all other pieces use a Lesser Vision Crystal. In the Keeper set, Lesser Vision Crystals aren't used at all, only Vision Crystals...Blame Anet for naming them confusingly. Vili 点 User talk:Vili 12:01, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
It's basically as Vili said. The full Vision Crystal is used for ascended weapons, ascended chest armor, and the two craftable ascended back items (Dwayna/Grenth); while the Lesser Vision Crystal is used for the other five ascended armor pieces. I don't mind the similar name so much as I do the identical icon. —Dr Ishmael User Dr ishmael Diablo the chicken.png 15:24, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
That's so confusing. Why would the chestpiece take a different vision crystal than the rest of the set? Psycho Robot (talk) 16:25, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
Because the chest piece gives the biggest stats, and Anet decided to make the lesser stat parts require less account bound materials.
As for the back items, you're paying for the looks, not the stats, but that's how ascended back items have always been. —Dr Ishmael User Dr ishmael Diablo the chicken.png 17:21, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the clarification. I received a Lesser Vision Crystal as in the recent living story. I figured it would be of only limited use! :)

Feedback 2015/12/02[edit]

I used an Ascended Salvage kit on a Lesser Vision Crystal and was rewarded 2 Bloodstone Bricks, an Augur's Stone, 1 Empyreal Star and 1 Dragonite Ore. Seems Salvaging Vision and Lesser Vision Crystals giving you back some of the materials you created them with. Coraline (talk) 01:31, 3 December 2015 (UTC)

Feedback 2020/05/28[edit]

Currency for Memory_Essence_Encapsulator

Is it possible to get nothing when salvaging this item?[edit]

The salvage section says 0 is part of the range for each possible item you can get. -- 21:39, 14 February 2025 (UTC)