Talk:Humpback Whale

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I honestly don't think you can say that there are only a certain amount of whales. Especially not only 6... --Lustre Of Havoc 04:13, 30 October 2012 (UTC)

But are whales fish?? Maybe we need an Aquatic mammals category. :) --Spionida (talk) 07:52, 22 March 2015 (UTC)

Always allies?[edit]

How do we know what they drop? In core Tyria all whales and dolphins I've met were allies. Are the ones in Crystal Desert killable? -- kazerniel (talk) 09:37, 8 August 2018 (UTC)

Whales used to be killable, but very rarely found as such in the wild. Here is one video of them being killed. —Ventriloquist 09:40, 8 August 2018 (UTC)