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Proposal for Renovations to Ahdashim

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Proposal for Renovations to Ahdashim

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Proposal for Renovations to Ahdashim is a book found in the southwestern corner of the Fractured Conservatory.


Crystal Desert


Proposal for Renovations to Ahdashim

Let us pay our respects to our great city as we rap upon the door of our Great Jubilee. Consider this motion the first notice of a series of proposals to execute a full-scale restructure and renovation of Ahdashim.

Our proposal: Develop a civic system of ley line convergence in which each element plays a role in our equitable society. Earth for architecture. Air for energy. Fire for technology. Water for infrastructure.

Pros: Division of labor. Sustainability of resources. Balance. General preservation and modernization of our society.

Cons: An interminable process. Disruption of daily life. Tampering with the ley line could lead to unforseen incidents.

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