Kaineng City Fractal Research
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Kaineng City Fractal Research is an object located in Wizard's Ascent within the Skywatch Archipelago. It is found in the same room as the Faction Provisioner, which is accessible by walking directly south from Beacon of Ages Waypoint.
- Horn of Maguuma
The situation in the Kaineng fractal has deteriorated rapidly. The jade mechs were designed to keep the city clean and productive, and once they achieved sentience they quickly optimized for that, determining that organic life was the primary impediment to that goal. When their initial command that organics leave the city was not obeyed, violence became their prompt solution. Their takeover of the city is already nearly complete, and the possibility remains that they will desire to expand their control.
Conclusion: This kind of machine intelligence being developed remains a significant concern for Tyria, and it raises the troubling possibility that similar constructs might already exist outside of Tyria. We recommend continuing to study scenarios like this until a better prevention plan is developed.