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Ink-Smudged Letter

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Ink-Smudged Letter

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Ink-Smudged Letter is a letter that can be found in Autumn's Vale.




Ink-Smudged Letter

Here's a new one: Careless Whisper reckons the Stranger she spied in the woods last week was "long as a four journeykin" and "tall as a lodge."

She's a fibber, make no mistake (remember what she said two harvests back about your old paw's cabbages?), but the council thinks it's still worth a good poke around the place. Claw's got us chasing shadows, with the wolves gone funny and thick air rolling in. Won't be back down for another moon at least; you tell the cubs their Maw-Maw's coming home with an extra batch of sticky honey cakes for bearkin who behave themselves.

Any sac-fry in the lake yet?

Miss you.

—Dancing Minstrel

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