Improvement and Tactic Pack/Drop rate

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This page is for recording items received from the Improvement and Tactic Pack. The line totals, grand totals and overall percentages at the bottom are updated automatically based on the number of entries, and as such may not reflect the actual chance of receiving an item if multiple items are received each time.

Some boxes can give the user multiple amounts of a single item each time they are opened. If a player opens a single box and receives 3 of item A, and 1 of item C, then 1 would be added to the existing line count for both item A and C.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Improvement and Tactic Pack Airship Defense Tactic.png Armored Dolyak Improvement.png Auto Turrets Improvement.png Centaur Banner Tactic.png Chilling Fog Tactic.png Cloaking Waters Improvement.png Charr Car Tactic.png Dragon Banner Tactic.png Emergency Waypoint Tactic.png Hardened Gate Improvement.png Hardened Siege Improvement.png Invulnerable Dolyaks Tactic.png Invulnerable Fortification Tactic.png Iron Guards Improvement.png Packed Dolyak Improvement.png Presence of the Keep Improvement.png Sabotage Depot Improvement.png Speedy Dolyak Improvement.png Supply Drop Tactic.png Turtle Banner Tactic.png Vault Transport.png Signature
User entries
750 19 63 20 28 31 19 74 33 20 38 42 52 16 32 62 14 49 43 52 31 12
Stancer (talk) 10:51, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
466 11 26 8 15 36 13 27 23 6 30 34 26 9 26 32 14 28 34 29 22 17
TakuKeks (talk) 18:54, 30 October 2017 (UTC)
1000 15 71 21 35 74 25 66 42 23 57 73 64 20 52 68 27 65 74 62 41 25 20:14, 6 December 2017 (UTC)
1190 40 79 20 42 78 27 91 52 36 56 78 79 24 66 77 27 57 87 89 53 32 13:29, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
250 1 18 6 10 18 4 23 12 5 11 15 17 6 8 18 5 17 21 16 16 3
Perlkonig (talk) 19:29, 26 June 2021 (UTC)
2750 42 202 66 122 202 59 174 117 74 137 179 198 62 125 181 64 172 181 191 139 63
Tolkyria (talk) 18:25, 18 August 2021 (UTC) (beta account)
365 11 26 8 19 30 8 25 19 6 20 17 19 8 14 29 6 14 37 25 14 10
ManiacMika (talk) 11:36, 15 February 2022 (UTC)
1835 39 135 40 84 117 44 131 90 51 66 115 131 51 67 132 44 104 130 133 81 50 12:19, 1 December 2022 (UTC)
8606 178 620 189 355 586 199 611 388 221 415 553 586 196 390 599 201 506 607 597 397 212  
100% 2.07% 7.2% 2.2% 4.13% 6.81% 2.31% 7.1% 4.51% 2.57% 4.82% 6.43% 6.81% 2.28% 4.53% 6.96% 2.34% 5.88% 7.05% 6.94% 4.61% 2.46%
Airship Defense Tactic.png Armored Dolyak Improvement.png Auto Turrets Improvement.png Centaur Banner Tactic.png Chilling Fog Tactic.png Cloaking Waters Improvement.png Charr Car Tactic.png Dragon Banner Tactic.png Emergency Waypoint Tactic.png Hardened Gate Improvement.png Hardened Siege Improvement.png Invulnerable Dolyaks Tactic.png Invulnerable Fortification Tactic.png Iron Guards Improvement.png Packed Dolyak Improvement.png Presence of the Keep Improvement.png Sabotage Depot Improvement.png Speedy Dolyak Improvement.png Supply Drop Tactic.png Turtle Banner Tactic.png Vault Transport.png