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Help Briella prepare motivations for the Rift Hunters

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Help Briella prepare motivations for the Rift Hunters

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Briella prepare motivations for the Rift Hunters is a dynamic event that occurs at Briella's Kitchen.


  • Correct ingredients delivered
Event bar empty2.jpg
Time remaining: 12:00


  • Interact with the cabinet in the kitchen area to become Timed.png Briella's Helper and acquire two new skills which will let you throw food at Briella.
  • Listen as Briella gives you sets of instructions: she will ask for a specific ingredient that can be found in the area, and then she will either ask you to give it to her as is, or to dip it in blood or bloodstone dust.
  • Briella moves around quite quickly so it is recommended to wait until she reaches a stop point and then throw the objects at her. She has a specific pattern she follows which will repeat over the course of the event.


The second skill is only available after you pick up the requested food.

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Hare's Speed.png Rush 15 You move faster!
2 Spinning Lob.png Toss Ingredient 1 1 Toss the ingredient to your target location.





Prior to the event and to non-participants once the event begins
Alchemist Briella: Experienced bait chef in need of eager assistant! Great résumé builder! Any takers?
Alchemist Briella: Hey, can you come lend me a hand with this? Pretty please?
Interacting with changing station
Alchemist Briella: The Rift Hunters are waiting on this order, and there's so much prep that needs to be done while I cook. Can you help?
Talk more option tango.png What can I do?
I'll give you instructions as we go. Trust me, it'll be easy for someone like you!
Talk ready option.png Let's do this!
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time now.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time now.
Joining the event
Alchemist Briella: Oh, thank you! The Rift Hunters placed quite an order. But this will be a great learning experience for you!
Alchemist Briella: I'll shout out which ingredient I need and how to prep it. We'll be done in no time!
Ingredient Dialogue (one line will be selected at random)
Black Crocus
Alchemist Briella: Grab me a pretty black crocus flower.
Alchemist Briella: A black crocus flower will liven up any concoction. Get one for me, okay?
Alchemist Briella: I need a bone. Any type will do!
Alchemist Briella: Nothing helps the structure quite like a bone. Quickly, now!
Alchemist Briella: Toss me some of that candle wax! No need to worry about a wick.
Alchemist Briella: Candle wax will really light up your bait. How about we add some?
Demonic Essence
Alchemist Briella: I only use the freshest demonic essence. Grab it for me, okay?
Goat Meat
Alchemist Briella: Let's add a shank of goat meat. Oh, now I'm making myself hungry.
Alchemist Briella: Goat meat is the perfect ingredient for a hearty meal or an irresistible bait!
Offering Bowls
Alchemist Briella: I need an offering bowl! They should all be clean.
Alchemist Briella: Can you toss me a bowl? Don't worry, I can catch.
Alchemist Briella: Those ritual totems are certainly colourful, aren't they? Toss me one!
Alchemist Briella: Here's a tip: a single ritual totem will add a ton of potency to your bait. Let's add one!
Preparation dialogue (one line will be selected at random per ingredient, except for Demonic Essence)
Bloodstone Dust
Alchemist Briella: Add a dash of bloodstone, and serve!
Alchemist Briella: Sprinkle a dash of bloodstone on it first!
Cauldron of Blood
Alchemist Briella: Dip it in some blood for an extra magical kick!
Alchemist Briella: Splash it with some blood first!
No modification
Alchemist Briella: Nothing else needed. Just toss it to me like that!
Alchemist Briella: That'll be fine as it is!
Tossing a bad ingredient (wrong one or improperly prepped)
Alchemist Briella: No, no, no. That wouldn't even do anything!
Alchemist Briella: No, not that one! That would never work.
Event success
Alchemist Briella: Great work! Now we just need to get these out to the Rift Hunters!
Event failure
Alchemist Briella: Oh dear, we're way behind schedule! I guess the Rift Hunters will have to do without, for now...

Related Achievements[edit]


  • Players will be under a transformation that gives a temporary set of town clothing. The appearance of the pieces combined is identical to the Cook's Outfit.