Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Skill Version History

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Skill Version History

The goal of this project is to create a version history for skills and traits.


Feel free to add yourself to the list.


This is an idea taken from this post on a changelog/version history segment for every skill and trait page.

There are two parts for this project:

  • a version history table on the skill/trait page that lists every mention of itself in any game update, as well as
  • a full page version history thats displays every iteration of the skill/trait throughout game updates, similar to the skill histories on the Guild Wars Wiki.


Formatting guidelines[edit]


  • 1Yes - Complete
  • 0No - In progress
  • 0No - Not being worked on
  • 1Yes Decide what templates should be implemented.
  • 1Yes Decide on the layout for skill history tables.
  • 1Yes Decide on the layout for full page history sites.
  • 1Yes Implement skill/trait history tables and full page history throughout the wiki.
  • 1Yes Develop a bot interface which can populate /history subpages following manual amendments (including to the revision table at the bottom) of the live page.
  • 0No Update information with each game update that changes skills/traits.
    • Up to date as of 2024-11-26

Existing pages[edit]

Version history project categories

Progress trackers[edit]
