Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Flute (Harvest Den)

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Flute (Harvest Den).jpg

Harvest Den
(Lowland Shore)
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Interactive map

Flute can be found inside a building right next to Guiding Breath. Interacting with it will grant Fa.png Low Octave effect and full set of musical skills.


  • It is a musical device with 2 octaves and 8 notes per octave. It is "tuned" in E major.
  • Use Stop Playing to end the current note.
# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Do.png Note 1 None
2 Re.png Note 2 ...
3 Me.png Note 3 None
4 La (Bell Choir).png Note 4 None
5 Sol.png Note 5 None
6 Fa.png Note 6 None
7 Te.png Note 7 None
8 Do (higher).png Note 8 None
9 Turn Right.png Increase Octave None
Redirect Arrow.pngTurn Left.png Decrease Octave None
0 Stop Riding.png Stop Playing Stop Playing