Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Fireworks Detonation Rifles

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Fireworks Detonation Rifles

Fireworks Detonation Rifles can be found around Rata Novus Promenade during Event star red (map icon).png [Group Event] Gather essence of joy around the Rata Novus Promenade (80) event. Interacting with this object give the player one of the rifles. Timed tirgets will spawn around in the view. Each target shot will give some progress for the event.


Horn of Maguuma


Firework Detonation
Aim your rifle at nearby aerial targets to detonate fireworks before their timers expire and earn some essence of joy.

— In-game description

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Fire Missile.png Fire 0.5½ 0.25¼ Fire at your target, detonating any fireworks primed at the location.

Event involvement[edit]

Event star red (map icon).png [Group Event] Gather essence of joy around the Rata Novus Promenade (80)