File talk:User Tender Wolf Sylvari female1.jpg

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WOW is that her hair? I wonder--Knighthonor 04:36, 10 March 2010 (UTC)

Probly a head'dress--Neil2250 , The Zoologist User Neil2250 sig icon5.png 09:12, 10 March 2010 (UTC)
O.o... you don't know that it's her hair? I'm quite certain it IS her hair, since Sylvari hair is leaf-like. In the race trailer when you look closely, you'll see that all the sylvari have leaf-like hair or grasslike hair. :D For instance: Pause at 3:20 of the Races video. Going from left to right: The first girl has dark hair that is sort of reed-like. You can't really see this very well until you look at her bangs and the ponytail in the back. The next in line is a guy with leaf-like hair. You can see the creases in the leaves as well. At this angle you are unable to see the blonde-haired girl behind him; however her hair is the least plantlike of them all. Next in line is the woman with her hair in two buns and a flower; her hair is also not very plantlike, but does have a sort of "bushiness" to it. ^_^ Next in line is a woman whose hair is the most leaf-like, and is the same hairstyle as you see in this picture. Next in line is a man whose hair is dark, but still somewhat leaf-like. Next is Caithe, and although her hair isn't leaf-like, it is not silky like that of normal hair, making me wonder if it is more grass-like. If you continue the video a tiny bit you'll see a girl standing next to Caithe whose hair is obviously leaf-like. :) --AmannelleUser Amannelle Me.jpg 15:50, 10 March 2010 (UTC)