File talk:Angered Nature Spirit.jpg

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Removal of speedy tag[edit]

Per [1], they actually are (I verified in-game). The lighting of the picture is just... weird (then again, there is a yellow tint to the whole area too). There's a white and a yellow version of Angered Nature Spirits, and this is the yellow one (a spectral willowheart). This image is, actually, the white model, which is the same as File:Arboreal Spirit.jpg (a spectral mossheart) - though that image also has slightly weird lighting in that the zone emphasizes the whiteness with brightness. Konig (talk) 09:56, 8 June 2017 (UTC)

Lots of NPCs get special tints and other effects applied via hidden skills. They aren't actually part of the model. Upped new File:Angered Nature Spirit (alt).jpg to show no effects. Feel free to rev if you prefer the tint. MadMaxx (talk) 11:08, 8 June 2017 (UTC)
We always want to show visual changes from skills/effects, hidden or otherwise. Konig (talk) 13:01, 8 June 2017 (UTC)
After dealing with these guys a few times and fiddling with my camera to look up and through them, I say they are yellow, similar to a Ranger's Sun Spirit which is also yellow. Not sure if same model though, apparently we don't have a picture of the Sun Spirit. - Doodleplex 16:21, 2 August 2017 (UTC)