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Defend the village's supplies from naga raiders

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Defend the village's supplies from naga raiders

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the village's supplies from naga raiders is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in the village at Eastern Wilds in Seitung Province.


  • Naga Raider Morale
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Supplies remaining: 10







Before starting the event
Champion Naga Tide Priest: Fan out! Take back what is ours, kindred!
Watchman Chung: Oh, gods, they're back. Everyone get ready!
Watchman Chung: If you can't fight, run! If you can't run, fight!
During event
Champion Naga Tide Priest: See what they've done to our kindred? After taking and taking!
Village Guard: Skunked! I should've stayed in New Kaineng!
When supplies are stolen
Naga Raider: Nasty humans! This is ours!
Naga Raider: I have it! Retreat, kindred!
Naga Raider: Not yours: OURS! Our fish!
Naga Raider: Back to the village! Protect me!
Naga Raider: Beautiful fish! Delicious fish!
Event success
Champion Naga Tide Priest: Graghh, they have warriors! Retreat!
Watchman Chung: They're gone? Really? Thank you, mainlander. Hope this means they don't come back, but not holding my breath.
Event failure
Champion Naga Tide Priest: We have what we came for! Back to the village!
Watchman Chung: Well, it's over...
Watchman Chung: There's nothing left. What am I going to tell the kids?

Related achievements[edit]


  • Supplies can be recovered from defeated naga and returned back to supply piles.