Living World Season 4 content

Daily Log

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Daily Log

Daily Log.jpg

The Test Subject
(Calon Islet)
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Daily Log map.jpg

location during The Test Subject

Daily Log is a book found during the Test Subject on interaction with Inquest Document.

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 4[edit]


Daily Log

Network is down. Can't proceed to the latest data set without it, and the technicians saying we won't be back until tomorrow.

That's fine. Don't need the network to write notes. In no particular order:

Remember to fire Bragg. Third time he 's corrected me in front of a supervisor.

More subjects requisitioned from Vabbi and beyond. Was asked to research dietary habits for long-term internment. Reassigned yesterday -- subjects not living long enough to matter.

Once again proposed plan to introduce ourselves to nearby native population. Could be presented as mutually beneficial. We get subjects for our pathogen experiments, they get some old technology we'd be throwing away anyway. Chance of them understanding our work is nil.

Reminds me—don't attend any more pathogen experiments just before lunch. Disgusting.