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Book of Yuhwa and Dalnim 7

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Book of Yuhwa and Dalnim 7

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Book of Yuhwa and Dalnim 7 is the seventh entry to cover the tragic love story of Yuhwa and Dalnim.




Yuhwa's Diary, Page 12

I've always wanted to leave this place. Kaineng. It was sad to leave the shop behind, but I can open a shop anywhere. Elona, even. I'd like to see other places besides Cantha... I've barely left the city.

We found an abandoned vault in the Undercity—I think it belonged to the royal family. Not a lot left in here, aside from a few locked chests and some old tapestries. Dalnim found a necromancer that was willing to seal the door. He owed her a favor, big surprise. It'll only open for us so it's safe inside. She has some loose ends to tie up before we can leave, but I'll hide out in here until we're ready to go.

Somewhere without the Jade Brotherhood or Am Fah... No ministries to tell us what to do. Just us, Dalnim and me. Hey, maybe we'll get a cat!

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