Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Astral Ward Skyscale Attunement

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Mount Trial Active.png

Astral Ward Skyscale Attunement

Effect type
Game link

You have limited access to the skyscale mount while in
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure explorable zones.

Unlock permanent access to the skyscale by completing
the Flight Training Mastery track, or by purchasing Guild
Wars 2: Path of Fire and Living World Season 4 and
unlocking the Skyscale Mount Mastery track.

— In-game description

As long as your character is in a Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure Location and you do not already have permanent access to the skyscale, then this effect will be displayed above the right-hand side of your skill bar.


  • The In-game description statement regarding permanent access to the skyscale states that this can be obtained "by completing the Flight Training Mastery track" (likely false) and does not mention the "A New Friend" achievement used to raise a skyscale by completing skyscale collections for Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.