Stop termites from consuming the wardenlight tree

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Stop termites from consuming the wardenlight tree

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop termites from consuming the wardenlight tree is a level 2 dynamic event that occurs in Village of Astorea at Solitaire Island.


  • Wardenlight Tree
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Termite attack strength: x%
  • Use a shovel to dig up larva tails.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 515 Experience.png 27 Karma Copper coin
Silver 438 Experience.png 23 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 386 Experience.png 21 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 2 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





When starting the event
Arie: Termites are swarming the wardenlight tree!
Warden Etain: There are so many of them! Can we handle that many by ourselves?
Arie: Maybe not, but I won't just stand here and watch those fiends consume my beautiful tree!
If a Termite burrows into the ground
Arie: A larva's digging in! Quick, use a shovel to dig it out before it damages the roots. Note: Just press "F" while standing close to the larva
Event failure
Arie: No! The last of the wardenlight's been devoured.
Warden Etain Our effort was too little. But the wardenlight tree has deep roots; with some care, perhaps it can recover?
Arie: Perhaps. I'll do what I can and try to be hopeful.


  • This event only rarely appears and is likely tied to the player population of the area.