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Retrieve the stolen supplies

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Retrieve the stolen supplies

Interactive map

Interactive map

Retrieve the stolen supplies is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Memory's Hollow.


  • Astral Ward Supplies
  • Event bar empty2.jpg   
  • Your contribution: x
  • Stolen supplies spoil in: 15:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Takes place just north of Point of interest (map icon).png The Pillars of Mosyn. Collect boxes of supplies scattered in the area and return them to the crate next to Snoren Dreamwalker. During the event Wanderers will spawn around the area and some will steal supplies from the crate (this does not set back the progress of the event), attacking or simply approaching a Wanderer will cause it to disappear and potentially drop the supplies.






Before event
Snoren Dreamwalker: ...Ugh.
Snoren Dreamwalker: Oy. Norrag. You didn't nod off, did ya?
Norrag: I...uh... Of ...of course not! D-did you?
Snoren Dreamwalker: Well—wait... This supply cache lookin' kinda different to you?
Norrag: "Different" as in "half of it's gone"? Y-yeah...
Snoren Dreamwalker: Aw, crap.
Norrag: That is what we get for burning the candle at both ends again.
Talking to Snoren
Wayfinder! For reasons completely beyond our control, our supplies have been we've been pilfered by demons! Mind helping us track it all down?
Talk ready option.png You can count on me!
Talk end option tango.png Sorry. You snooze, you lose.
Event start
Norrag: We'll stand guard over what we still have, while you bring back what was stolen.
Snoren Dreamwalker: Aye, and the quicker the better. I don't recall this many demons lurking around here when we fell aslee—
Snoren Dreamwalker: Er, fell victim to their cunning ambush.
Talking to Snoren during the event
If you recover any stolen supplies, just place them right over there.
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
Handing in supplies
Norrag: We may yet be spared from our lieutenant's wrath!
Norrag: We'll take that off your hands!
Snoren Dreamwalker: Much obliged!
Snoren Dreamwalker: Keep 'em coming!
Approaching a Wanderer
Wanderer: Gah! Stay away!
Wanderer: You want the food? H-here! Take it!
Wanderer: Do not…hurt! The pain in my empty belly grows.
Wanderer: What do you want? Leave me be!
When enough supplies are returned
Snoren Dreamwalker: Think we're good. If ya got any last supplies for us, now's the time!
Event success
Snoren Dreamwalker: We owe ya one, Wayfinder! Thanks!
Norrag: From this day forth, I solemnly swear to never nap again!
Snoren Dreamwalker: You said it, friend. Now, let's get these supplies to camp!
Event failure
Snoren Dreamwalker: Augh! There's too many of them! The supplies will be damned! Let's get outta here!
Norrag: (screams)

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