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Help Lyhr bring order to the debate hall

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Help Lyhr bring order to the debate hall is a level 80 group event that occurs in the Bastion of Balance. It allows the Great Debate Hall to be accessed.


At event start
  • The debate hall must be rebalanced; split up evenly and talk to Lyhr to join the side of either Rage or Regret.
  • Lyhr's spell starts in: 0:59
During event
  • Defeat marked Kryptis and use the magical gavels on the sound blocks.
  • Rage Order
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Regret Order
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Time left before Lyhr's spell breaks: 4:59


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Before/during event start
Lyhr: Not even the great hall was spared from the foul stench of these... these defilers!
Lyhr: They'll pay for this... They'll... PAY!
Lyhr needs help while he prepares his spell. The hall must be balanced, so disperse evenly among the Avatars of Rage or Regret.
Lyhr: AUGH!
Facet of Logic: This madness must be stopped.
Facet of Emotion: I'll rip these beasts apart!
Facet of Logic: Wayfinder, with me!
Facet of Emotion: The Kryptis are perpetuating an endless debate and feeding on the emotional fallout.
Facet of Emotion: We have to bring this place to order before we take out the big ones.
Facet of Emotion: Go handle the smaller Kryptis and calm those debaters down. I'll work on a spell.
Facet of Logic: The Kryptis have locked this hall into an illogical, never-ending debate and are feeding on the negative emotions.
Facet of Logic: We must bring things to order if we hope to oust them from this place.
Facet of Logic: I'll prepare a spell for the bigger ones. You take care of the smaller ones and focus on quelling the discourse.
Talking to the Facet of Emotion before event start
Wayfinder, I can let you engage the Kryptis on this side, but be aware that once me and that lout over there start the spell... you will be trapped.
Tick green.png I'm ready to help those ensnared by regret! (teleports player to Regret side of hall)
Talk end option tango.png I still need more time to decide.
Talking to the Facet of Logic before event start
Wayfinder, I can let you engage the Kryptis on this side, but be aware that once me and that lout over there start the spell... you will be trapped.
Tick green.png I'm ready to help those ensnared by rage! (teleports player to Rage side of hall)
Talk end option tango.png I still need more time to decide.
Using a gavel on a sound block (chance at one of the following pairs)
Facet of Emotion: Smash those sound blocks with the gavel! That should help bring things to order!
Facet of Logic: Strike those gavels on the sound blocks! That should help bring things to order!
Facet of Logic: I can feel balance and order slowly returning. Keep it up, Wayfinder! We're getting there!
Facet of Emotion: Keep at it, Wayfinder! Snap them out of it!
Using gavels on sound blocks
<Character name>: ORDER! ORDER!
Throughout event
Regret Debater: We have convened today so that I may prove—beyond a shadow of a doubt—one undeniable fact:
Regret Debater: The harpy came before the egg.
Rage Debater: Balderdash! Present your evidence!
Regret Debater: What better evidence than the very creature itself? I ask you: Have you ever set eyes upon a harpy? Hm?
Rage Debater: Of course I have.
Regret Debater: Are you positive? Need I remind you that you are under oath?
Rage Debater: I've seen a blasted harpy before, damn it!
Regret Debater: Then you have seen the fair bird's elegance and beauty, yes? Surely a creature born of perfection.
Regret Debater: Such a specimen could never have initially been birthed egg. I rest my case.
Rage Debater: ...WHAT?
Rage Debater: Eggs are a miracle. Truly a work of the gods! Surely they existed long before your wretched harpy.
Regret Debater: Objection! Hearsay!
Rage Debater: Overruled! I'll allow it!
Rage Debater: Hard boiled! Over easy! Sunny-side up! Scrambled! Their versatility is truly unmatched! And they're delicious!
Regret Debater: No, they're not! Nobody eats harpy eggs!
Rage Debater: Your mother eats harpy eggs!
Rage Debater: Idiot!
Regret Debater: Moron!
Rage Debater: Reprobate!
Regret Debater: Harpy...ass!
Rage Debater: That's...that's not even a real insult!
Regret Debater: Your face is a real insult!
Rage Debater: Shut up!
Regret Debater: Shut up!
Rage Debater: STOP THAT!
When Regret Order bar has filled
This side has been balanced. Throw the gavels at the other side's sound blocks! (if player is on Regret side)
Facet of Emotion: This side's under control! Toss your gavels over to the other side!
When Rage Order bar has filled
This side has been balanced. Throw the gavels at the other side's sound blocks! (if player is on Rage side)
Facet of Logic: This side has been brought to order. Now, toss your gavels to the other side!
Event failure
Facet of Logic: It's too late. The bastion is lost! Flee!
Facet of Emotion: Dammit!

Related achievements[edit]


  • Failing the event makes the Champion Avatar of Rage pulse damage throughout the Great Debate Hall with an attack called Fading Away.