Corrupted Illusion

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Corrupted Illusions are hostile illusions found at the Altar of Lies in Cathedral of Eternal Radiance that resemble Risen Gorillas. They are encountered during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess and Kill the Risen before they reactivate the Statue of Lyssa when summoned by the Risen Priestess of Lyssa.


Ruins of Orr

Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Corrupted High Priestess (78)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Risen before they reactivate the Statue of Lyssa (78)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Charging Attack
Stolen skills


Sometimes, the Corrupted Illusions can spawn missing their transparent-purple visual effect.
Corrupted Illusions do not instantly despawn or shatter when the Risen Priestess of Lyssa has been killed and instead become neutral. Although, they're usually provoked again almost immediately because of previously applied conditions or unaware players damaging them.
  • Corrupted Illusions do not drop loot.