Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Biomancer Krenna

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Biomancer Krenna is an asura tending to the Chak Hatchery at the Rata Novus Promenade fractal.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Clear chak nests in the chak hatchery (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Collect chak energy and defend the battery (80)


Welcome to the Rata Novus Chak Hatchery and Key-Line Energy Extraction Facility! It's... The name is too long, isn't it? I need to talk to someone about that...
Talk more option tango.png Isn't it dangerous to raise chak here?
Of course not! We've bred a slightly more docile variety of them, and we also advanced containment shielding to keep them here. There's virtually no risk to the city!
Talk end option tango.png If you say so.
Talk more option tango.png This is where the city's energy comes from?
That's right! Rather than continuously fight them, we've found a way to make these little critters useful. We get energy and they get to survive! Symbiosis!
Talk end option tango.png A bit of a one-sided bargain, but understandable.
Talk end option tango.png I'll let you focus on workshopping the name.