User talk:Tengauge

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Game updates[edit]

Just wanted to say thanks for adding the latest patch notes and for being so diligent in making sure they were displaying properly. I noticed a couple of small things I want to point out: (1.) The build id should usually go under an Update, rather than the Late Notes. A new build doesn't get released when they add some extra notes, after all! (2.) Don't leave more than a single line break between the end of the notes and the <noinclude>; otherwise, this creates a swathe of whitespace on the Game Updates page. Minor stuff, but since you seem to be eager to help keep the patch notes updated, I thought you might want to know some tips and tricks! :D --Idris (talk) 06:56, 25 April 2018 (UTC)

good point on #1, thank you, and yeah, I usually catch the extra vertical whitespace when I check my work, but I got completely derailed by the caching issue last night and the fact that I couldn't see how it rendered on the main updates page. Thank you for the tips and the help! --Tengauge (talk) 17:17, 25 April 2018 (UTC)