User talk:SarielV/Process Environmental Weapons
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I think it'll just be easier if I put my "Doodle has many questions" stuff here instead of on the page heh:
- The "isn't this just an object that give this bundle?" list (If I'm horribly off, my apologies)
- Asuran Experimental Weapon Rack gives a "Asuran Experimental Weapon (bundle)" (since Asuran Experimental Weapon is a thing)
- Barrel of Flamethrowers gives Flamethrower (bundle), the only difference is that the barrel's flamethrower has a slightly different skin than the other flamethrowers(because they all seem to have different versions of Flame Jet so I think it would fit?)
- Ale Cart/Beer Keg gives "Mug of Ale" maybe?
- Box of Training Kits gives "Training Kit" or "Devourer Training Kit"?
- Brush Pile gives Wasp Nest maybe? Depends on what the bundle looks like I'd guess to make sure they looked the same, I didn't know you could chuck the wasp nests objects
- Cow Feed Pile/Bull Feed Pile/Devourer Snack Rack gives Sack of Feed maybe? Bundle checking again here I think to make sure they all look the same
- Explosive Barrels gives "Bomb (Explosive Barrels)" maybe?
- Mine Strongbox-the bundle might be Seaweed Bomb if they look the same? I dunno
- Pile of Dirt-the bundle might be Rusty Scrap, just a version with different skills? (or at least if they look the same when held)
- Stick Barrel gives a Stick if the appearance matches up? If it doesn't "Stick (Skelk Training)" maybe?
- Fish Barrel gives Big Tasty Fish? (well I wouldn't think Barracuda would be very tasty but I digress)
- Potions (Tyrant's Mount) I'm assuming the page is for the lab table thing that makes them, or does it vanish and you're holding a bottle of something?
- Is Explosives Kit something you pick up or is it an object you get a bundle from?
- Orb of Ascension and Altar of Ascension, shouldn't the orb have a separate page as it's a bundle and the altar itself only gives the bundle? I don't do the pvp thing so I have no idea here
- This is a picture pondering:
- Very Old Energy Detector (VOED) and Priory Shield Generator look to be the same, but I'm not sure where the green effect is coming from in Alex's picture though(revenant maybe?)
- Ogre's Food Pot and Outstanding Pot of Ogre Stew look like they're the same?
- Does the File:Powder Keg (bundle).jpg look the same as File:Barrel.jpg?
And this is just something I'm curious, which bundles can be put on the ground and picked back up again? I know I've picked up bundles put down down by other players in LA so I wonder... - Doodleplex 20:06, 22 March 2017 (UTC)