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Use the Samarog walkthrough for a more comprehensive guide.

Shortest guide[edit]

Stand near Samarog's back
Jump over shockwaves
CC when the breakbar shows up
Pull small guy inside of boss bubble and attack big guy while small one is inside of there
Person with small green circle should touch person with large orange circle

Short guide[edit]

The spears that surround the arena instantly kill anyone who touches them, don't get knocked into them.
One person gets fixated by Samarog. Always move the boss to the middle of the arena. Every 10% a breakbar appears, while Samarog now only damages the fixated player. CC fast enough while healing the fixated player, to prevent them from dying.
Always stay near Samarog's back to prevent being hit by his attacks and being knocked into the spears.
If he lifts up his spears and stabs them into the ground, a Tequatl-like shockwave appears. It can be jumped over just like Tequatl's waves. The waves can be dodged as well, but jumping over them does not cause a dps loss like dodging does.
At 66% and 33%, Samarog charges to the alcove west of the arena, make sure to get out of his way. The human Rigom and the jotun Guldhelm will spawn, both shielded by a golden bubble. All damage Guldhelm takes gets transferred to Rigom. Rigom should be pulled under the boss and then immobilised there. Once he dies there, Guldhelm's shield disappears and he will be vulnerable. Killing Rigom has to be repeated every 33% of Guldhelm's health, Rigom can be let out from under Samarog after the last shield has been broken at 33% of Guldhelm's health.
After 66% of boss health, two players periodically receive an aoe field around them. One being a small green circle, the other a large orange one with a growing red one inside of it. Both players should touch to prevent damage to anyone standing inside the large circle. To prevent a wipe in case the players do not touch in time, and to make it easier to see who is carrying the aoe, the player with the large aoe should move away from the squad as soon as possible.

Extra information[edit]

Spears drop down into the arena every now and then. An orange circle appears and standing inside the circle when the spear drops deals massive damage. Standing inside its range once it has landed afflicts conditions. It is vital to keep the middle of the arena and the area near the alcove free of spears. The spears can be removed by direct damage or cc.
The first player to enter the arena gets the first fixation. After that, the person furthest away from the boss takes the next fixation after the cc phase is over.
Samarog has two attacks before 66%, a swipe and the shockwave. After 33% he receives a new slam attack. Avoid it like any other attack.

Everyone with pulls and pushes should work together to move Rigom underneath Samarog. That means skills like ranger longbow 4, mesmer focus 4 or a berserker's wild blow. Once Rigom is in position, immobilise him with a druid's Vine Surge or Entangle (although Entangle is also effective on the spears).
If Rigom's and Guldhelm's shields overlap they buff each other.