User:Yshyii/Cairn the Indomitable

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Use the Cairn the Indomitable walkthrough for a more comprehensive guide.

Shortest guide[edit]

Sidestep dark circles
Go to green circles
Dodge large arrow sweep
Stay near boss
Move away from squad when you carry agony

Short guide[edit]

Always use your special action to move around, especially for longer distances.
Do not carry any projectile reflection skills.
Always stay in melee range of the boss or you can get hit by his projectile attack.
The person furthest away from the boss will get a red agony circle around them. It will periodically deal damage to that person and even more to everyone else standing inside the circle. Up to three people can receive this at the same time.
The commander will most likely put down four markers. The full squad has to stay stacked on the arrow marker. People carrying agony have to go to one of the other markers to prevent others from being damaged.
People carrying agony should not ressurect unless there is no other option.
Dark circles appear periodically. These will teleport you around, so sidestep them in time.
Green circles appear periodically. The circles have a specific size and the respective amount of floating orbs above them. You need at least as many people standing in the circle as there are orbs or you will still get damaged.
A large arrow pointing outwards from Cairn appears periodically. He will do a counter clockwise sweeping attack starting from the arrow. Dodge when it gets near you.

Extra information[edit]

At the start of the fight, everyone has to jump off the cliff at the same time and glide toward the boss. Once you land, Cairn will do his projectile attack. Dodge the attack or use the special action and go to the green circle that appears near the arrow marker. After this the real fight starts.
Both green and dark circles always follow the same pattern. (see images in wiki walkthrough)
There are two ways green circles spawn:

  • After Cairn's sweep attack, multiple greens spawn at once. You have to be fast to get to one.
  • At random intervals, Cairn will teleport around and leave a green circle in each location he has been. There will be an arrow pointing in the direction he will go next. If the boss health is above 50%, there will always be a green circle in the middle in this case.

When Cairn is on low health, he will do an outward going circular wave attack around him, starting a small distance away from the center. This is irrelevant because everyone should be in melee range.
There is a stacking debuff that removes 1% movement speed per stack, which constantly ticks up while fighting Cairn, while being hit by his projectiles also adds to this debuff. Successfully using green circles will remove some of these stacks.