User:Serge Yseron/SelectedMemories 38

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Priscilla, orrian karm'queen[edit]

People spend their time filling the chat log with questions like "is there a karma train running ?". Since they wont initiate any kind of activity if they are not an army (swooping like zergs allow their glass canons to enjoy a context where game mechanics do not matter anymore), i fgured that instead of waiting like them for six hours (i can prove it with a screenshot) after some other players i might as well go alone and get some karma, loot and fun trhough initiative. The objective ? Lyssa temple. You are ready ? Let's begin !

Note: even with 3500 armor and 3500 power (ascended stuff) you might experience some trouble, so watch your blinds and snare carefully.

User Serge Yseron karm queen.jpg

Serge Yseron 02:34, 2 January 2013 (UTC)