User:Serge Yseron/SelectedMemories 35

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Filling the gaps[edit]

I wouldnt be honest by telling that i came with this idea on the first encounter. WHat happened is that the first time i engaged this foe alone and was then joined later by a passing player. I was downed once after eating up 80% of the damages of te champ for almost the entire duration of the fight (when not backing my dummy allie against the champ escort), the other player finally revived me when seeing he couldnt do shit alone. We killed it, end.

After a brief thinking i decide to wait to be alone again and this time i engage the smart mode. Normally you are supposed to do ranged attacks and dodge the few significant projectiles this kind of champ launch at you every once in a while, while managing the surrounding lesser foes. It sucks. So i took a moment to observe the surroundings and spoted a singularity in the map near the champ spawn point: a pillar. Read: an obstacle that block projectiles. It offers 2 enormous advantages to get near the pillar: no devastating projectiles and no surrounding extra foes - check mate before even starting the fight, sing for The King baby...

User Serge Yseron useless champs and bosses collection 0.jpg

I did not understand this one.

User Serge Yseron useless champs and bosses collection 1.jpg

Serge Yseron 13:47, 22 December 2012 (UTC)