User:Euste Ylhes/Understanding Tyria Leveling Guide/Wayfarer Foothills

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Wayfarer Foothills is one of the starters maps. It has a lot of interesting aspects, but some places lack marklands which make finding your way around sometime difficult (or is it just me?). This is also the first roadmap I did -although it is not the first one I post. On this map you will learn about two major threats to the Shiverpeaks. The first one, and undoubtedbly major as it involves the two Meta Events, is Jormag. Its corruption and influence are everywhere to be seen. The second is the Dredges. Of course this map also introduces you to the basis of Norn culture and Shiverpeaks environment involving Grawls and Jotuns races.

Although you will not need to focus on completing hearts as events will usually make you complete them without you noticing, I advise keeping an eye out for them as they are a good source of experience. Heart completion is also a good way to kill time while waiting for an event to be active. Also do not forget to speak with the NPCs on your journey to get the full picture of what's happening in the area of the world.


User Euste Ylhe WayfarerFoothills.jpg


  1. Your adventure on this map starts at the Horncall Waypoint. You then head straigh to the Heart of Raven. There is a fun event consisting in answering riddles that occurs frequently there.


  2. Then go south into the Borealis Forest. There is a Norn settlement with a lot of NPCs to speak with. An event with Minotaurs can trigger in the forest, and the NPCs at the settlement will point you to it if it is ongoing, you will have another chance to get this event. Some of the event chain in the following actually start there, so come back sometimes if you want a full experience.


  3. You now go further south and meet with Wolf Spirit. Speak to the NPC to spawn wolves and follow them around while doing heart completion. Take the Outcast's Waypoint as soon as you can, and check often for one of the dredge events involving destroying or stopping the dredges from reparing their tower.


  4. Do the dredges event chain. It will take you at the bottom of Molensk mines. Grab the vista on your way, and then go out by the northern entrance.


  5. You are now at Snow Leopard Spirit heart. You can do the heart, there is also a Dredge event that can trigger there.


  6. Now just cross the map towards East until you meet with the river. You will have your second chance of getting the Minotaurs event in Borealis Forest. At the river a chain of events can be done with the NPC Ulfred and starts with stopping the Grawls from stealing drake eggs. I advise to wait for this event chain.


  7. Now you have spent some time in the caves and you can head north. Another event chain with Grawls can trigger near Grawlenfjord, involving NPC Kani. You might also find Kani in Borealis Forest whenever the event is not up. I also advise to wait for this event, you can make a detour by the hero point just East of Grawlenfjord while waiting.


  8. Now move north, cross through a camp full of Jotuns. You can explore the cave East of the Jotun's Camp. An event might also trigger involving Jotun's Leader Naddoddur.


  9. Grab the nearest vista, and unlock the Heart of the Bear point of interest. Then get in the water and find you way north.


  10. You will end up in another Dredge Mine, the Doldenvan Passage. I advise to wait here for Lunt's event with dredges.


  11. After that get out of the mine and explore the Darkriven Bluffs. You can get a vista and a hero point there.


  12. When you are done, cross the river and wait for the Dolyak event chain near Taigan Waypoint. You will have another chance to do this event chain


  13. Now follow the road West. Do the Heart on your way through the Breakneck Pass if you dare to confront the strength of the Rabbit's spirit. After that keep following the road and you shall be right where your adventure started.


  14. Get up the stairs to reach the place the first story instance of the Norns occurs and get the hero point if you are already level 11 or more. After that, in anycase, walk pass the Heart of the Raven and just before arriving to the Heart of the Bear go North on a path going up the mountain.


  15. After you climbed your way up the moutain and end up on the other side of it, wait for Linea's Event. The fist event of the chain is to collect fur samples for Linnea.


  16. By following Linea on her hunt, you will cross the Breakneck Pass again, but this time from above! Explore the Jotun camp, Haivoissen Kenning, and get the osenfold shear vista.


  17. Keep going north. You can enter the Shaman's Rookery jumping puzzle on your way to the Shadowhorns.


  18. From the Shadowhorns progress toward the northern entrance of Twinspor Haven. Do the heart on your way if you want and do not forget to get the vistas.


  19. We go south again, back to Taigan Groves. This is your second chance to do the Dolyak event chain near Taigan Waypoint.


  20. After that, we follow the small stream north of the Taigan Groves and pass under the bridge. You might find diving goggles there, use them! Then head north crossing the water on a snow-bridge and into a tunnel-cave. You shall aim for Vendrake's Homestead Waypoint.


  21. The Champion Svanir Shaman Chief, who is a world boss event, will trigger just north-east of there, check the next occurence using "/wiki wb". Do not wait for hours, just remember to waypoint back there whenever this world boss occurs.


  22. Your journey north goes on toward the Lostvyrm Cave Waypoint. You will grab hero points on your way as well as do hearts if you will.


  23. Head to the Wurmhowl Spikes and grab the vista, then continue West to [Halvaunt Waypoint].


  24. You will now go to the entrance of a dredge mine where Surveyor Falki, heart NPC, stands. You can explore the mines on you own and skip to Crossroads Haven if you want, but I highly advise waiting for the event chain with Foreman Agvior there.


  25. After having helped Foreman Agvior, you shall be back to Edenvar's Homestead, and you can now follow the nearest road to get to Crossroads Haven.


  26. From there, follow the Lion's Road East. You will see a tent with some Lionguards. This is where the Meta Event Assault on Svanir's Dome starts. You will want to wait for it to begin and either Help Reztiff Sunderfoe capture the east tower or Help Shaska Kaldmorn take the west tower (see the two dashed-blue paths). While you wait explore the Eastern part of the map as depicted on the plan.


  27. After the Meta has ended, you can exit the Svanir's Dome north, and run west. The portal to Snowden Drifts await for you there!


End Note[edit]

Do forget to return sometimes in the future to complete eventual puzzle jumps you skipped and properly finish map-completion (some things will undoubtedbly miss such as hearts and hero points), and to get some memories or you first steps on Tyria !