User:Ekko/Sandbox/Weapon Ideas/Ranger

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The ranger has eleven weapon combinations: three two-handers, two main-hands, and four off-hands. Rangers can switch between two weapon sets in combat, for a maximum of 110 weapon configurations.



A ranger with a longbow is like a turret: a largely stationary ranged attacker that primarily does single-target damage. The longbow offers poison, a high-damage burst on a single target, and a ranged AoE attack in addition to a basic shot and a knockback attack against close enemies. Not too much else to say here--it's pretty straightforward.


A shortbow ranger is significantly more mobile, taking on a classic skirmishing role. Crossfire and Concussion Shot are both more powerful depending on positioning, and the shortbow can attack on the move, so the ranger will be in near-constant motion to hit targets from the right angle. This mobility also lets the ranger line up Spread Shot to hit multiple foes. Quickshot lets the ranger get quickly away from a target, and Crippling Shot can slow down pursuing attackers; the two of them work well together.

Main Hand[edit]


The mainhand axe is an interesting weapon: it's a ranged weapon that focuses on AoE and multitargeting. Ricochet and Splitblade both distribute damage over groups of enemies, and Staggering Throw can help keep foes away from you, so you don't need to run around too much.


The ranger's only mainhand melee option, the sword is very mobile. Slash->Kick->Pounce is a chain that can either knock enemies around to put them where you and your allies want them (in the middle of an AoE effect or away from a scholar, for example), and stopping after Kick can open up range between you and your target. Serpent Strike lets you get behind an enemy (which helps make your chain's ability to control the field easier to use), and Hornet's Sting lets you clear distance away from your target. Combined, the two skills let you get behind and away, which can be useful for gaining a lot of range or kiting.

Off Hand[edit]


The offhand axe offers YET ANOTHER AoE attack, and a defensive stance that reflects ranged attacks. It can add AoE capability which the sword lacks or make a dual-axe set up ludicrously AoE-tastic, and help protect the wielder from the ire of ranged attackers (which is probably a greater risk for the sword user who lacks a good way of attacking ranged enemies.


One-half melee, one-half ranged. Crippling Talon is great for either main-hand, although the crippling and ranged ability is better for the highly-mobile melee sword. Venom's Sting's poison is redundant for the sword ranger, and the axe ranger is unlikely to spend much time in melee, limiting its usefulness overall.


Throw Torch is a ranged attack (that presumably applies burning, but that's not confirmed), great for the sword, merely decent for the axe. Set Ablaze makes this weapon stand out, though. For the axe, it can add a good deal of damage to AoE attacks--in addition to other allies' ranged attacks. Setting this up between you and the enemy makes chasing you either more difficult or more painful, which is always a plus for ranged attackers. For the sword, you can use your chain and mobility to knock your target into the range of the fire, adding some extra damage as well as helping out your allies.


The warhorn is a lot like the torch: one ranged attack and a support ability. Hunter's Call is badass, but it isn't a huge boost for an axe ranger, especially since we don't know whether it applies conditions (it does stop the attacking ogres in the skill video, though, which, if that's how it works, adds a good amount of defensive utility to the axe). It does look great for the sword, though. Call of the Wild increases the crit chance, movement speed, and damage of you, your allies, and your pet (with a trait, it also gives them regeneration), making it a fantastic source of buffs for solo or a team. The increase crit and damage probably are worth more to the multi-attacking axe than the sword, but the sword benefits from movements speed more.

Weapon Combinations[edit]

These are hinted at above, but here's a rundown of the eight dual-wielding combinations.


LOTS of AoE. Almost more AoE than practical, actually. If you have an elementalist who's dropping AoEs that you can send your attacks through, you're dealing lots of damage to lots of foes. Whirling Defense can protect you from ranged attackers that you pull (or attract away from control), but it may be more efficient to just throw your axe at them. If this does damage to melee foes, too (and the skill description suggests it might), then Whirling Defense can help you if you get stuck in melee and can't get out.


Crippling Talon can help you keep foes at bay (and, with Staggering Throw), can buy you time to escape a pursuing foe or deal extra damage before it reaches you. Venom's Sting is lackluster because it's a melee attack, but it adds poison, which is always nice.


It's like having a pocket elementalist (at least, for you). You get a large increase to AoE damage from Set Ablaze, and Throw Torch (probably) can add damage over time that you otherwise can lack. I waxed expansive on this in the Torch entry, so I'm not going to repeat myself too much.


Buffs are everyone's best friend, especially if they stack. The crit and damage buffs are amplified with an axe in the main hand, as you'll be hitting multiple foes on every attack. Hunter's Call is probably not too helpful as a simple ranged attack, but if it stops the target from moving (or applies any conditions), it can really boost your versatility.


The off-hand axe ups your ability to deal with ranged attackers. Path of Scars gives you an AoE ranged attack, and Whirling Defense lets you protect (and strike back) at ranged attackers that you'd otherwise have trouble handling. If WD hurts nearby melee attackers, you're in even better shape with this combo.


Once again, Venom's Sting doesn't seem too helpful, as you already can poison foes with Serpent Strike, but more DoTs never hurt anyone (that's very not true). Crippling Talon adds a ranged attack and emphasizes your mobility, so it's a definite bonus.


I already wrote a fair amount about why Set Ablaze rocks with a sword above in the Torch entry. Throw Torch adds a ranged attack (and possibly burning) on top of that, making this a really great choice for your offhand.


Buffs make everybody happy. Damage, crit, and movement buffs are all really nice for a sword ranger, and your allies will thank you for the consideration. Throw a ranged attack that may stop your opponents in their tracks into the mix, and you're golden.

Weapon Sets[edit]

Yeah, you know how there are 110 of them? Even without the greatsword, we're looking at 90 of them. This section will just be recommendations, and they'll come later.