User:Darqam/Dat Index
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Note that this page is much more a page I'm going to use to find files than it is meant to help others. Over time I might format this in a prettier way
As of 02/04/2016, last model # is 1357812, last texture#1341593
model 1366580 - 141003 is from Salvation Pass release
map texture 512 finished at 1374470 pre salvation pass
Aug 9th 2016 ~ 147XXXX
Aug 23 2016 ~ 148XXXX
Texture/Model Files[edit]
trophies ->~1341294
new(?) skins: 1334925 - 1335075
trophy: 1335098
- Gold MoM trophy -> 1201587
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435,1201586
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze MoM trophy -> 1201601
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435,1201598,1201600
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- gold TT trophy-> 1201606
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze TT -> 1201611
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435, 1201598
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- gold Teq -> 1201627
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze Teq -> 1201631
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435, 1201598
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- gold Gerent -> 1201644
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435, 1201635
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze Gerent -> 1201651
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435, 1201598, 1201650
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- silver vale trophy -> 1341307
- diffuse -> 43838, 55735, 58091, 231601, 1113429, 1113435, 1215190
- normalMap -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- silver TT trophy -> 1341290
- diffuse -> 43838, 55735, 58091, 231601, 1113429, 1113435, 1215190
- normalMap -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- VG pillar -> 1127821
- Sab platform -> 1127039+1
- Sab backpiece -> 1112771
- Sab Rifle -> 1112778
- mushroom ->989088
- diffuseMap: 989087
- normalMap: 989081
- gold VG trophy -> 1113436
- gold gorsy trophy -> 1301748
- gold sab trophy -> 1301764
- Vet karka
- 510891
- big rolling devil (dead?)->1226492
- dark exalted armor? ->1214451
- diffuseMap-> 1023872
- normalMap->1001093
- lightMap->
- Leg(?) wyvern ->1214405
- diffuseMap-> 955269, 955277, 955334, 955342, 955350
- normalMap->955271, 955279, 955336, 955344, 955352
- lightMap->955275, 955340, 955348, 1023511
- mordrem charger ->1108386
- diffuseMap-> 1108377, 1108381
- normalMap->1008301, 1008307
- lightMap->1108385
- more shrooms ~1090260
- Bonebreaker ->1070050 &
- purple->1057463
- diffuseMap-> 1057456
- normalMap->1057458
- lightMap->
- gold-> 1057453
- diffuseMap-> 1057447
- normalMap->1057449
- lightMap->
- purple->1057463
- arrowhead ->1057657
- diffuseMap-> 1057654
- normalMap->956227
- lightMap->
- smokescale -> 1057645
- diffuseMap-> 1057642
- normalMap->960322
- lightMap->
- desert Yak 1 -> 1057586
- diffuseMap-> 24674, 1057577
- normalMap->24676, 1057579
- lightMap->
- desert Yak 2 -> 1057593
- diffuseMap-> 961883, 961886, 1057588
- normalMap->24776, 961888, 1057579
- lightMap->
- desert Yak (V2?) 1193474&1193476
- Bristleback -> 1057439 & 1029036
- diffuseMap-> 1057438
- normalMap->1029033
- lightMap->
- scary as shit Itzel -> 1057427
- diffuseMap-> 339354, 1056412, 1056412
- normalMap->1057422
- lightMap->1057426
- Tengu -> 1056964 (diff vest color --)
- alt model -> 1056927
- diffuseMap-> 1056926
- normalMap->956727
- lightMap->27339
- tengu chief (?) -> 1056924
- diffuseMap-> 1056919
- normalMap->1056921
- lightMap->27339
- Earlier tengu ->1029425 - 102418
- Chack Crown -> 1029173 (green -> 1029171)
- diffuseMap-> 988995
- normalMap->988997
- lightMap->989001
- Odd Wyvern (incomplete?) -> 1029157
- Itzle Kanha -> 1028856
- more shrooms (1028444-1028434)
- mordrem mount ->990778
- Mordrem Thornheart ->1160232
- diffuseMap -> 1160211, 1160217, 1160225
- normalMap -> 1160213, 1160219, 1160227
- lightMap -> 1160223
- Mordrem Bomber -> 1192205
- Vinetooth (?) -> 1162217
- diffuseMap -> 1162204, 1162208, 1162212
- normalMap -> 991022, 991028, 991032
- Avatar of Mordremoth ->1168588
- diffuseMap -> 1168557, 1168571, 1168579
- normalMap -> 1168559, 1168573, 1168581
- Blighted Trahearn -> 1192463
- new LA stuff -> ~1019500
- moose ->978442
- red panda -> 978424
- diffuseMap -> 978419
- normalMap -> 978421
- Juvenile Electric Wyvern -> 1056311
- fire ++
- ice ++
- earth (?) ++
- yellow ++
- red (fire?) -> 1056338
- Tiger (juv?) ->1055533
- Diarmid -> 1192126 & 1056837
- Stavemaster -> 1056855
- Axemaster texture->1056674
- Axe texture -> 1114008
- mist heros+random char models+ghall npcs-> 1191405-1192194
- Mordrem Faolaine ->1193776
- gentlman frog -> 1191361
- diffuseMap-> 31323, 1191358 (check)
- normalMap->31325, 1191360
- lightMap->
- fire orb -> 1110483
- frog of death orb -> 1029501
- trait art -1012111->1012269
- Sabetha -> 1300655
- diffuseMap->1300652
- normalMap->1300654
- earlier gorsy ->1108834
- diffuseMap->216219, 882185, 1108804, 1108806, 1108820
- normalMap-> 1108808, 1108822
- lightMap->27339, 1108812,1108826
- Gorseval -> 1299838
- diffuseMap->882185, 1108804, 1108806, 1108820
- normalMap-> 1108808, 1108822
- lightMap->1108812,1108826
- Spirit Run Wall -> 1110401
- Mouth of mordremoth texture -> 991030
- radio tower(?) ->1058508
- Pheonix Glider Skin -> 1341460
- diffuseMap->958804, 1341453
- normalMap->1341455
- lightMap->1341457
- Bat Wing glider -> 1203286
- Bubble glider ->1411128
- ironclad glider -> 1411142
- jack-o-lantern staff -> 1203486
- centaurs looking from above ->1194578
- axe prototype -> 1200330
- Shatterer ->54305
- diffuseMap -> 51996, 53366, 54174, 54176, 54252, 54262, 54268, 54278, 54286, 54294
- normalMap -> 54178, 54254, 54270, 54280, 54288, 54296
- lightMap -> 54180, 54194, 54266, 54276, 54292, 54302
- Big Wurm -> 52150
- TYBALT! -> 771794
- diffuseMap -> 44385, 53762, 771791
- normalMap -> 44387, 53764, 771793
- Largos -> 771788
- diffuseMap -> 22765, 64077
- normalMap -> 22767, 64079
- lightMap -> 22771
- King Adelbern -> 771764
- diffuseMap -> 771761, 867850
- normalMap -> 55207, 771763
- SHATTERER CORRUPTED WINGS!?!?!?!?!?! -> 1194715 & 1194717
- diffuseMap ->53366, 339354, 602831, 882185, 1194712, 1194714
- diffuseMap ->53366, 55023, 339354, 602831, 602846, 882185, 1194712, 1194714
- Glint(?) -> 959725
- diffuseMap ->57516, 849211, 882185, 959383, 959670, 959710, 959714
- normalMap -> 959712, 959716
- lightMap -> 959704, 959708, 959720, 959724
- ~120XXXX lots of weapons
- Face wand ->991518
- Wings of love ->1366973
- diffuse -> 53204, 958804, 1366970, 1366972
- normal 1295687, 1295691
- new Fountain -> 1367011
- diffuse -> 52757, 83183, 84145, 84149
- normalMap -> 57028, 83185, 84147
- VG texture (?) 1108508
- png poster in 512x512 ->75542
- asuran thaumanova inscription: 90232.png
- toubstone ->231665
- poster ->457435
- SAB -> 564691->564761
- ->631088->631102
- 740738
- 908312
- Posters -> 908347
- rata novus console -> 1214979
- WM hammer(?) 1377161
- golden slubling -> 1377292
- diffuseMap -> 1377293
- normalMap -> 1376596
- Gold Prison-Camp trophy -> 1377321
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429, 1113435, 1377304, 1377306, 1377310, 1377312, 1377316, 1377318
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 905068, 905107, 1113431, 1377308, 1377314, 1377320
- Gold Sloth Trophy -> 1377326
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze Sloth Trophy -> 1377330
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435, 1201598
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Silver Sloth Trophy -> 1377336
- diffuse -> 43838, 55735, 58091, 231601, 1113429, 1113435, 1215190
- normalMap -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Gold Weatherman Trophy -> 1377349
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,930326,1113429,1113435, 1377348
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Bronze Weatherman Trophy -> 1377355
- diffuse -> 43838,55735,58091,231601,1113429,1113435, 1201598, 1377354
- normal -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Silver Wetherman Trophy -> 1377363
- diffuse -> 43838, 55735, 58091, 231601, 1113429, 1113435, 1215190, 1377362
- normalMap -> 231603, 529634, 930328, 1113431
- Slubling on a branch -> 1377371
- diffuseMap -> 851547, 1376594
- normalMap -> 851549, 1376596
- WM GS -> 1377373
- 1377125
- 1377127
- Mushroom hammer -> 1377381
- 1377376
- 1377378
- WM mace -> 1377386
- 1377383
- 1377385
- Classic Glider -> 1377403
- 56775, 591756, 603672, 958804, 1377398
- 56777, 591758, 603674, 1377400
- Dominator weaps (1377410 - 1377529)
- WM pistol -> 1377539
- 1377539
- 1377538
- WM Shield -> 1377545
- WM weapons until 1377564
- Matthias Door -> 1377590
- 1377581
- 1377583
- Old ass music player -> 1377667
- 500451
- 500453
- Scarlett Armored -> 74112 & 757058
- Mai -> 757069
- Kasmeer -> 757076
- Flame Legion Effigy -> 771578
- Chak sounds ~961797 20-40kb
- Skritt sounds: 13407+
- Charr sounds: 13580+
- Chickens(?): 13990+
- Human female: 14817+
- disagree: 14948, 12kb
- sleep: 14937, 44kb
- Human male: 16860+
- deaths: 16901-16905
- Bears(?): 31211+
- Tequatl song: 44082, 2037kb
- Evade frame: 53409-53410, ~22kb
- Invis: 53485
- Ice field: 53651
- Svanir Ice growth: 53679, 52kb
- Necro down 1: 54216, 86kb
- portal down (or mimic?): 55446
- Fire attunement: 55581, 18kb
- Meteor landing: 55623, 32kb
- Lich auto: 59057, 26kb
- smoke field: 59206, 30kb
- Thaumanauvo asura cough: 69319, 25kb
- Megalaser: 93216+
- Savnir+chieftain: 105227-105232,
- oddboll music: 106122, 283kb
- Story complete: 110971, 109kb
- 111037, 102kb
- WP unlock: 111173, 21kb (111180)
- level up: 155348, 27kb
- mini anthems(?): 1307133 - 1307147
- HOPE SFX: 1300818-1300864
- Glider: 1193900-1194083
- warhorn ele: 1056229+
- lalalalalalalala *hum*: 1008773+1
- lighthouse: 1007426+1
- new LA: 996037
- nobles(?): 1007421
- Nightmare fractal laughs: 1600806
- Portal sound: 55162 165kb
- Uzloan's song: 105986 1,816kb
- organ notes: 106123-106165, ~20kb each
- soothing music: 184696, 750kb
- End PS: 241702, 600-800
- Wintersday theme(?): 526655, 1,544
- SAB underground: 567879, 234kb
- Trumpet notes: 590336+
- Holo dance music: 599056, 320kb
- aether holo music: 599057, 586kb
- flute notes: 602354, ~40kb
- unknown SAB song: 635085, 1000kb
- Banjo frog: 1192618 - 1192625
- you let a skritt sneaks up on you: 157571_1387
- wizard tower info for 2g, no 5, no 10!: 157716_2922->157716_2924
- Progeny banter: 169159_169882->169161_169908
- Human Female: 169165_169948->169182_170116
- Silvari Male: 169348_1717766-> 169331_171600, ~20kb
- CoE Intercom: 169792_19797
- Skritt-king of arrows: 171533_193680-> 171535_193701
- Wozmack: 305666_195060->305667_195079
- Countess of Hakewood: 305670_195318->305672_195330
- Halloween: 305672_195331->305692_195654
- welcome to hoelbreak: 490153_236546
- golem nevermind: 490153_236547
- assassins: 490154_236552
- normal location: 490154_236556
- YB death: 490154_236559
- fort trinity: 490156_236571
- refuge sanctum: 490157_236582
- Ebonhawk: 490157_236586
- end of golem lines:490159_236607
- More Halloween: 502138_238279 -> 502158_238587
- FotM: 517245_238923->517248_238955
- Karka invasion: 517248_238956+
- Zephyrite song: 605091_245383 -> 605092_245390
- 605129_245765 -> 605130_245770
- Vorp(?)
- Asura banter (Moto): 716878_252930->716878_252938
- Asura banter (scarlet): 716878_252939->716879_252943
- Asura ran away: 716879_252944->716880_252952
- Hoalbreak: 716880_252953->716881_252960
- Asura follow up: 716881_252962, 716881_252963, 716881_252965->716882_252970
- Violet: 716882_252972->716882_252974
- Random inspection: 716882_252976->716883_252983
- Scheming: 716883_252984->716883_252988
- inspection2: 716883_252989->716884_252998
- The Dead End: A Study in Scarlet
- Investigators: 716887_253285, 716887_253286, 716887_253287, 716887_253288, 716887_253289, 716887_253290, 716887_253291, 716887_253292, ..., 716889_253302->716898_253390
- More Vorpp holo: 716899_254752->716899_254759
- followed by random quotes ->716905_254811
- Quaggans: 733574_254522->733579_254571
Unsorted LS audio[edit]
- Lost Shores: 517282_239341 -> 517290_23997
- Wintersday: 528730 -> 528757
- Re-voices(?): 537192 -> 537284
- Flame and Frost: 567554 -> 567646
- Dragon Bash/Last stand in southsun: 578952_243408 -> 593989
- Bazaar+Cutthroat Politics: 605035 -> 605134
- Queen's Jubilee/Clockwork Chaos: 622028 -> 622117
- early scarlet quotes: 622037_245892 -> 622038_245903
- SAB back to school: 634892 -> 634909_246882
- Teq rising+Rox dialogue: 634909_246883 -> 634927_247071
- Twilight Assault: 634928_247228 -> 634953_247474
- Blood and Madness + occasional dialogue from aetherblade path: 634953_247475 -> 635005_247999
- Tower of Nightmares/The Nighmares Within: 645494_249050 -> 668940_250565
- Scarlet monologue: 650609_248837 -> 650610_248842
- Fractured+end dialogue in Kessex: 677518_249109 -> 677586_250441
- A very Merry Wintersday + redo of some dialgue + future dialogue for Destiny edge 2.0: 716697_250761 -> 716727_251060
- Origin of Madness: 716727_251061 -> 716747_251265
- TT Wurm: 716747_251266 -> 716759_251382
- The edge of the Mists: 716759_251383 -> 716907_255119
- Escape from LA+Battle for LA: 733485_253572 -> 733567_254451(?)
- Breachmaker fight: 733571_254492 -> 733574_254521
- Post Fight: 733574_254522 -> 744585_257539
- Random re-dialogue: 800662_258046 -> 800832_260000