Talk:Sigil of Corruption

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Have a major sigil on a shortbow, but killing inquest does not stack in the instances. Works ok in open world. Reported as a bug in-game. Kenrid (talk) 23:31, 4 July 2014 (UTC)

That's because the Inquest spawn infinitely. You're supposed to follow the objective because just killing them will waste your time. Because of this they don't drop items, too. --Ventriloquist 23:39, 4 July 2014 (UTC)
Maybe, but you need to kill them as they are the objective. So that is following the objectives. Your comment makes it sound like you can do the objective, "Defend the northern pass from Inquest." without killing them? You mean I could have sat back and done nothing and objective would complete? I was wasting my time defending the guys building the wall? And once the golem dropped in first instance, I didn't notice them continuing to spawn. The following instances, none of the mobs spawned infinitely. There was just a few here and there you had to get through and when dead, they stayed dead. I don't recall this happening in past story or personal instances. But then, I don't use stacking sigils that often. I should note it is not just Corruption sigil, did with different character after original post and different stacking sigil did same thing... Beginning not to like stacking sigils. heehee Kenrid (talk) 04:23, 6 July 2014 (UTC)