Talk:Rune of the Forgeman

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What is the timing on this? If you are hit with a big attack that would knock you from 100% to 25%, does protection trigger after it? Or would it mitigate the damage from the attack as well?

Think about it for a moment. If the Rune mitigated the damage, why would it trigger in the first place? I would imagine that the attack hits you, you take damage and suffer its effects, and then the rune triggers now that you are below 50% health. -- MS 20:42, 21 October 2012 (UTC)

I was testing this today in the Mists and it doesn't trigger at 50%. Seems closer to 25-30%. Can anyone verify? tanpopo 12:00, 5 November 2012 (UTC)

All the trigger "on %health" runes and traits sometimes have a fairly long delay (1~2s) between when they take effect and when you cross the threshold. If you're taking constant damage, this makes them seem like they trigger at a much lower threshold than they do. For instance, my (ultra squishy) elementalist has been downed before either Earth's Embrace or Final Shielding has triggered. It was rather amusing seeing both buffs flash on while in the downed state. Okuza 08:43, 26 March 2013 (UTC)


on the page it says that this offers protection boon, but that is not mentioned anywhere in the effects; x reffing to sup rune page, protection is not mentioned at all. can someone clarify please? Sleen

The protection boon was removed in 2018, and this page was not updated to match. Thanks for pointing that out! Greener (talk) 17:47, 17 January 2022 (UTC)