Talk:Resplendent Watchwork Box

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Heads up: I've received a Sovereign Scepter Skin, Sovereign Firearm Skin, Sovereign Protector Skin, and Sovereign Crusader Skin from this bag (same ones the Vendors sell, Account Bound). Also, Recipe: Superior Rune of Perplexity, Recipe: Superior Rune of Exuberance, and Recipe: Superior Sigil of Renewal.

It seems likely that all new and Gauntlet-related vendor items come from these bags, at roughly a 1:500 drop rate (for me so far).

-- 23:37, 8 August 2013 (UTC)

Out of 1200, I've gotten: Nothing. These drop rates are pretty crappy.

-- 04:44, 13 August 2013 (UTC)

nerfed as of today according to the patch notes. Can someone confirm this? Not able to access game right now. 01:00, 21 August 2013 (UTC)

Nightmare fractal drops[edit]

Theory on drops: (in the order they drop)

  • one of:
    • Valuable Metal Scrap Valuable Metal Scrap
    • Watchwork Sprocket Watchwork Sprocket (3-8)
  • Watchwork Sprocket Watchwork Sprocket (1)
  • coin: 0, 54-79 Copper coin

Watching for groupings of drops, I have opened the following: (Previous drops condensed into table.)

moved to Resplendent Watchwork Box/Drop rate