Talk:Master Mining Pick
Seems to only work on tier 1-3 07:17, 1 September 2012 (UTC)
My master mining pick is working on mithril, I wonder, I am level 76 and mithril is below that, maybe it's just level based? 04:30, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
Could be that, i am able to mine mithril as well and i am only level 53. It would also make sense that it scales with your level, so i will try to save a couple of uses and see if i can mine Orichalcum Ore when i reach level 60. 11:08, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
Just failed to mine a platinum node. I'm level 65, so I'm not sure it's a level restriction. I'm guessing it's just bugged right now.
- I think that there are multiple classes of Master <tool>. If I remember correctly you can get them at three points in personal story (so wiki page is maybe incomplete on that). The first two that you get seem to be bugged, because I've used them on characters that are at or above the current zone's level range and consistently failed to gather materials. For example, my Ranger recently picked up a Master Mining Pick somewhere between level 25 and 35. But the pick only works on Copper - it fails on Iron, Gold, and Platinum. However, my 80 Thief can use the Master Mining Pick that's awarded late in personal story to mine everything, including Orihalcum. There's definitely more research needed here, and/or it's flat-out bugged. Vili 点
04:48, 16 September 2012 (UTC)
- Looks like it, need to track the master mining pick from possible quests to which ores.--Relyk 04:57, 16 September 2012 (UTC)
- I have two of these -- one failed on platinum and one didn't. This definitely makes me think they are somehow related to the level you are when you acquire them. It's a shame they ArenaNet didn't distinguish between them. Verity 13:39, 19 September 2012 (UTC)
- Also failed on Mythril Ore with the pick from Bramble Walls personal storyline quest. Possibly related to the level of the personal story? 10:43, 24 September 2012 (UTC)
- It's bugged whichever way you look at it, because if Master Mining Picks obtained at different parts of the story behave differently then they either need to have different names or be marked with distinguishing level or tier numbers in their descriptions. As another data point, my Master Mining Pick just failed to mine Platinum Ore at level 61, so it's certainly not very "Master". I have no idea when I obtained it. Morgaine 19:12, 6 October 2012 (UTC)
- My first master pick was able to mine gold but failed on platinum; my second one was able to mine platinum (tested on the exact same gather node a few seconds later, so it's not based on current character level or zone--there's definitely an invisible difference between the items). I used them up without testing on mithril. The third master mining pick I acquired is able to mine orichalcum. --Felbryn 07:34, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
Anyone know how exactly this is better than a normal mining pick? I didn't seem to get any more ore per gather node when using one, and I didn't notice any increase in the frequency of gemstones (though I didn't collect statistics or anything). --Felbryn 07:37, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
- It should have a better chance to get gemstones, but of course that's hard to prove without more data...and since you can only get a max of one of these per character (well, one of each "tier")... Vili 点
07:45, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
You can actually see the level requirements on each of the three tools you get (15, 35, 60). The level req's of the first two don't seem to match up with regular picks (normally level 10, 20, 30...), so I'm not sure exactly what ores each can mine. Meridin talk 07:21, 29 January 2013 (UTC)
Level 35 pick working for mithril[edit]
My level 35 master mining pick is working not only for platinum nodes as stated, but also for mithril nodes. It does not work on orichalcum nodes, though. And I can confirm that the level 60 master mining pick does work on orichalcum nodes.