Talk:Help find and return the lost toys to the children

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Development version of dialogue from "Hide & Seek" page (now deleted)[edit]

:'''Kid''': ''Can you help me find yut nori game? It just disappeared! I really miss it.''
:'''Kid''': ''My friends keep saying their things are missing, too. Creepy.''

:Could you help me find my lost toys? They've disappeared and I can't find them. :(
:{{dialogue icon|more}} ''Sure, what are you looking for?''
::My [[w:Gonu|kono]] game, [[w:Gonggi|gonggi]] pebbles, [[w:Top (toy)|top]], and [[w:Yut|yut nori]] game are all missing.
::{{dialogue icon|more}} ''What does the gonggi look like?''
::{{dialogue icon|more}} ''What does the kono look like?''
::{{dialogue icon|more}} ''What does the top look like?''
::{{dialogue icon|more}} ''What does the yut nori look like?''
::{{dialogue icon|end}} ''I'm on it!''
:{{dialogue icon|collection}} ''Actually, I've got one right here!''
:{{dialogue icon|end}} ''I'm sorry, I can't right now.''

-Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 12:08, 7 May 2022 (UTC)