Talk:Forager Polly
Token Exchange bugged?[edit]
I am exchanging the tokens since 5 days now, and it's the 2nd day today, that Forager Polly doesn't want to exchange a Token with me. I think the first 2 days it worked fine, then on the 3rd day, she didn't want to exchange the first time, the 4th day was normal and today she didn't want to exchange again. I don't remember which other traders I spoke to before on the 3rd day, but today I first did all 5 Verdant Brink traders and then Scavenger Rakatin, then headed to Polly, who didn't want to exchange. All others worked fine. I believe, that it is either that it bugs out on a day after already having exchanged with her, or when trading with another trader before trading with her. I also did ask people who are exchanging daily all 12 traders and they have no problems at all. I will research this and write a ticket maybe(ingame bugreport was done already) - 12:09, 24 April 2016 (UTC)