Talk:Flux Matrix
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Crystals required by recipe?[edit]
This page's recipe documents 30 Crystals needed whereas Mystic Forge/Other Items documents 60. Which one is right? YuGiOh 20:22, 21 September 2012 (UTC)
Warning: Animation bugged/unfinished[edit]
The animation for Flux Matrix seems to be unfinished as the cube will hover somewhere in your hand/forearm.
- After the 2/26/2013 update and the ability to preview items in the trading post, it appears this item is supposed to rest within the palm of its wielder but is specific to each armor set as to where it resides. I've been wanting this for a while and with the preview I can finally see how it rests. It was perfect on my Charr with Primeval Armor and resides in my fingertips for my Norn with Masquerade gloves. I would still recommend previewing the clipping issues before you buy it. -- Magic
Talk 01:06, 27 February 2013 (UTC)