Talk:Dry Top (achievements)

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For anyone who wants Quicksand Survivor, here's how to do it on a Soulbeast (ranger):

Traits: Nature Magic with Instinctive Reaction; Soulbeast with Fresh Reinforcement and Eternal bond.
Skills: Troll Unguent and Spirit of Nature.
  1. Create a Spirit of Nature and jump in the quicksand.
  2. Between 50% and 80% health use Troll Unguent.
  3. In the last 10% health use Beastmode.

Now you wait for the achievement to register. Note that a the damage you take is based on your vitality. Unequiping anything that gives vitality will make your healing more effective. Without extra healing power you can reach 20 seconds, so achievement guaranteed. Getting downed resets the timer, thus using the Spirit of Nature ress just before you die (queueing the action and ressing you) does not work.