Talk:Daybreak (achievements)

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Script for creating a first version of the achievements from the API[edit]

Here is a script that fills most of the achievement template. Text for tiers has to be added by hand because the API doesn't provide that. The script is called with the achievement category identifier (196 for Daybreak). The script is now updated to include rewards, too. --Andreasg.gw2 (talk) 01:53, 29 November 2017 (UTC)

I updated the script to hopefully map all information from the API to the corresponding fields in the achievement template. This should make the script useful for all new achievement pages. Category IDs can be found here (Noxx's script from Talk:Achievement). Note that API categories may be incomplete, e.g., "Brandstone Research" missing, and in an order different from the meta achievement. --Andreasg.gw2 (talk) 18:14, 1 December 2017 (UTC)
I updated the script again to alphabetically sort achievements and to put meta-achievements first. I also updated the script to Python 3. --Andreasg.gw2 (talk) 19:09, 14 January 2020 (UTC)
   import json
   import sys
   import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
   base_url = ''
   mastery_dict = {'Tyria': 'Central Tyria',
                   'Maguuma': 'Heart of Thorns',
                   'Desert': 'Crystal Desert',
                   'Unknown': 'Icebrood Saga'}
   cat_id = int(sys.argv[1])
   def makeRequest(rel_url, query_string=None):
       url = base_url + rel_url
       if query_string is not None:
           url = url + '?' + query_string
       req = urllib.request.Request(url, None)
       f = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, 60)
       x = json.load(f)
       return x
   cat = makeRequest('achievements/categories/' + str(cat_id))
   qs = 'ids=' + ','.join(str(x) for x in cat['achievements'])
   achievements = sorted(makeRequest('achievements', qs), key=lambda a: a['name'])
   achiev_dict = {a['id']: a['name'] for a in achievements}
   item_ids = {r['id'] for a in achievements
               for r in a.get('rewards', []) + a.get('bits', [])
               if r['type'] == 'Item'}
   items = {}
   if item_ids:
       qs = 'ids=' + ','.join(str(x) for x in item_ids)
       items = {item['id']: item['name'] for item in makeRequest('items', qs)}
   skin_ids = {r['id'] for a in achievements
               for r in a.get('bits', [])
               if r['type'] == 'Skin'}
   skins = {}
   if skin_ids:
       qs = 'ids=' + ','.join(str(x) for x in skin_ids)
       skins = {skin['id']: skin['name'] for skin in makeRequest('skins', qs)}
   title_ids = {r['id'] for a in achievements for r in a.get('rewards', [])
                if r['type'] == 'Title'}
   titles = {}
   if title_ids:
       qs = 'ids=' + ','.join(str(x) for x in title_ids)
       titles = {title['id']: title['name'] for title in makeRequest('titles', qs)}
   print('{{Achievement table header')
   print('| id = ' + str(cat_id))
   print('| icon = ')
   print('| title = ')
   print('| group = ')
   for order in range(3):
       for a in achievements:
           if ('CategoryDisplay' in a['flags']) != (order == 0):
           if ('MoveToTop' in a['flags']) != (order == 1):
           print('{{Achievement table row')
           print('| id = ' + str(a['id']))
           print('| name = ' + a['name'])
           print('| description = ' + a['requirement'])
           print('| flavor = ' + a['description'].replace('<c=@Flavor>', "").replace('</c>', ""))
           if 'CategoryDisplay' in a['flags']:
               print('| type = meta')
           elif 'Repeatable' in a['flags']:
               print('| type = repeatable')
           if 'Hidden' in a['flags']:
               print('| hidden = yes')
           cap = a.get('point_cap')
           if cap:
               print('| cap = ' + str(cap))
           prereqs = [achiev_dict.get(p) for p in a.get('prerequisites', [])]
           for p in prereqs:
               if p:
                   print('| prerequisite = ' + p)
           print('| tiers =', end=' ')
           for t in a['tiers']:
               print(str(t['count']) + ';' + str(t['points']))
           mastery = next((mastery_dict[r['region']] for r in a.get('rewards', [])
                           if r['type'] == 'Mastery'), None)
           if mastery:
               print('| mastery = ' + mastery)
           reward = next(((items.get(r['id']), r['count'])
                          for r in a.get('rewards', [])
                          if r['type'] == 'Item'), None)
           if reward and reward[0]:
               print('| reward = ' + reward[0])
               if reward[1] > 1:
                   print('| quantity = ' + str(reward[1]))
           title = next((titles.get(r['id']) for r in a.get('rewards', [])
                         if r['type'] == 'Title'), None)
           if title:
               print('| title = ' + str(title))
           objectives = [b['text'] for b in a.get('bits', [])
                         if b['type'] == 'Text' and b['text']]
           if objectives:
               print('| objectives = ' + '\n'.join(objectives))
           collection = [items[b['id']] if b['type'] == 'Item' else skins[b['id']]
                         for b in a.get('bits', [])
                         if b['type'] in ['Item', 'Skin']]
           if collection:
               print('| collection = ' + '\n'.join(collection))

Feedback 2018/09/04[edit]

Is the icon for the wiki achievement category supposed to match the in-game icon? --Hitakashi (talk) 02:19, 5 September 2018 (UTC)

Yep, and thanks to this comment, another user updated it, so thanks! —Ventriloquist 15:30, 5 September 2018 (UTC)