Talk:Boss Blitz! Defeat all the champions in the Queen's Pavilion

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Reward Inquiry[edit]

silver reward 13 tickets. -- 10:23, 22 May 2014 (UTC)

I just got 7 tickets for bronze. AnastashaRomanov (talk) 06:44, 3 August 2019 (UTC)
Also received 7 tickets for bronze. —Kvothe (talk) 15:47, 3 August 2019 (UTC)
7 here as well. - Wolf Sabian (talk) 14:08, 9 August 2019 (UTC)

Some Tactics[edit]

This is all theory since I have not seen it done, but in listening to others that have, and reading other guides, this seems to make sense:

  • While funds are being collected divide into 6 teams of 5 to 10 (no more than 10 or the bosses will upscale significantly).
  • Pull boss away from surrounding mobs where possible
  • Coordinate kill rate by calling out boss status at 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% so that the boss buff transfer is a lesser problem.
  • Once your boss is killed, go to middle area or clear areas of mobs where the bosses have been killed

For people that come after Blitz has started:[edit]

  • Do not go into areas where a group is fighting a boss if there are already 10 people in it.
  • Only farm mobs in areas where the bosses have been killed


Someone said that each boss could be soloed, I have not seen that any comments would be interesting.

A guaranteed way to not get the gold or silver awards is to have everyone in the instance mob one boss at a time. Separ (talk) 16:28, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

Your tactics are not very good. The first is the amount of groups versus upscaling. The upscaling is actually pretty well done. The tactic therefor is to kill them with small teams not because it's faster then with larger teams, but cause it doesn't matter how many people do a single boss (so having 6 teams of equal size kill all at the same time is what speeds it up. There is no limit however to the size of a group, just that the teams need to be balanced in size (all bout the same amount of people). This also means that it is perfectly ok to help out teams when your boss is down. The buff transfer is indeed an issue, but will happen anyways. the only reason to delay it to the final 5% is so each team doesn't have to deal with it. But again, a struggling team can also use the help of a team thats done, so good balance and commanding is important here. As said, when your boss is killed, coordinate and go to a boss that needs help (keeping the remaining teams roughly equal in size, so split the team up). Scaling doesn't slow things down, the reason for splitting is that you kill more bosses at the same time. Same goes for your remark bout people that come in after blitz is started. Ask where you are needed to keep balance between teamsize, but DO help. More is till better as long as the teams are balanced.

As for the remark bout soloing a boss. It is likely to be possible with some specialized builds, but I doubt it happens or is a valuable tactic to get silver/gold reward. I also don't think people actually did it allready or have tried. Prolly just someone showing off. The best tactic in my opinion is to use the LFG to get into a pavillion thats commited on getting gold. Also, ask in those maps for people going for the achievements to go to a different map. Achievements can be done in a traditional zerg. 16:44, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

Well, speaking as someone who's gotten some gold rewards and several silver rewards, in random megaservers...The reason you limit group size is because when you get 4325324324 doing the same boss, the chances of everyone contributing meaningfully - to overcome the upscaling - is less and less likely. In giant zergs, many players get lazy and just autoattack because they know they'll get credit anyway. Or, some won't bother to learn the mechanics, like using birdseed at Shurakk. That's well and good for them, but detrimental to everyone else. On Boom-Boom Baines in particular, this is a huge problem, since the healing turret can scale high enough to overcome the entire group's dps pretty easily.
It also becomes more difficult to keep everyone alive; boss attacks are more likely to down in one hit, and there will be more people to revive. Again, lazy people will simply sit around dead and wait for a res; this is terrible because dead people still contribute to event scaling. Finally, it is much harder to scale down an event than to scale it up; the game has really lenient standards for "participating" in an event to increase scaling, but takes a while to consider a player no longer part of an event.
Ideally, you'd want 6 groups of approximately equal sizes, and you'd want to kill each boss within a short time of each other so that the extra abilities don't get ridiculous. After bosses die / when new people join halfway through, they should go to bosses that need more help. If a boss doesn't need more people, but you can contribute meaningfully to it anyway, then it's still OK to help there.
Foe each boss:
  • Kuraii: stability or other ways to avoid constant knockdown; he's more fragile than the other bosses so don't need as high damage
  • Pyroxis: bring reflects
  • Boom-Boom Baines: keep her poisoned when the turret is active
  • Sparcus: ideally you'd want mostly range in this group, to avoid people walking into the instant death fire walls
  • Shurakk: birdseed helps to dispel the hawks, but it's still better if people in this group can use single-target attacks rather than AoE/cleave
  • Wiggin: no particular strategy needed
And finally, it is entirely possible to "solo" each of these bosses; knowing the tells for each boss' attacks and dodging accordingly is all you need, not some specialized build. You're more likely to die to the adds than to the boss. Still, because it is rare to find a random player capable / willing to solo bosses, it shouldn't be relied upon to get gold/silver. (They will also have a very hard time if more boss abilities are added on, so you'd need to make sure their boss is the first or second dead.) Vili 点 User talk:Vili 17:48, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

Boss abilities[edit]

  • all : Indomitable [&B0xfAAA=]
  • Boom-Boom Baines : Explosive Powder Keg [&B7JfAAA=]
  • Sparcus : Fiery Tornado [&B5ZfAAA=]
  • Shurakk the Savage : Attract Hawks [&B9hfAAA=]
  • Kuraii the Cruel : Trample [&B4NfAAA=]
  • Wiggin the Wicked : Bombs Away [&B7BfAAA=]
  • Pyrosis : Firewave [&B7lfAAA=]

-- 11:29, 28 May 2014 (UTC)