Talk:Black Lion Voucher Dealer
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Feedback 2018/08/23[edit]
Actual bug: "That content has been temporaly disabled, please try again later" will appear if you try to interact with the npc.
Feedback 2019/08/22[edit]
Would it be possible to add a gallery of the items for each voucher, either on this page or on a new page. The gallery should be limited to only those items in the voucher.
- I think adding a gallery to this page would take lots of unnecessary space, but adding galleries to respective voucher pages (Outfit, Weapons, etc...) would be nice. ~Sime
Talk 22:54, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Feedback 2020/08/14[edit]
Vendor seems to have been removed from the game, without any notification (possible bug?).