Talk:Assassinate the separatist instigator

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The champ's lines during the event were interspersed with that of a farmer in my chat window. I wasn't close when the event started and I didn't even see if the farmer was at the same location, but it's plausible. This was the resulting dialogue:

Farmer: You're an idiot if you think killing me will help your cause. I'm a farmer.
Champion Separatist Instigator: Death to the charr and their allies!
Farmer: Help me up!
Champion Separatist Instigator: Any ally of the charr is an enemy of humanity.
Champion Separatist Instigator: You can kill me, but you won't silence my words.
Champion Separatist Instigator: Ascalon for humanity! We aren't free until the charr are gone.
Champion Separatist Instigator: No...the war of Ascalonian independence is...not over. Others like me...will come.
Farmer: I'm getting out of here.

-- kazerniel (talk | contribs) 00:04, 5 February 2025 (UTC)