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Engineer's Log

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Engineer's Log

Book (Godslost Swamp).jpg

Wizard's Ascent
(Skywatch Archipelago)
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Engineer's Log is an object located in Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 within the Skywatch Archipelago. It can be found on a crate located near a stealthed Tengu Warrior, waiting in a patch of grass on the western outskirts of the city.


Horn of Maguuma


Engineer's Log

Another retired scientist came by the lab today, bringing warnings of the dangers to come if we proceed with the project. It's true that we haven't completely solved the alignment problems, but progress can't be made if we stop and wait to fix every potential issue in advance. When we encounter mistakes we will correct them; same as always.

Still, some of our investors have expressed their reservations. No matter. The project will go ahead as planned. In a decade, when our jade mechs have brought this city into a golden age, they'll thank us for not pausing to wait for them to regain their stomachs.